Volume II: Chapter Seven

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Week Thirty-Four

"It's best if you remain on bedrest," Bakugo firmly was "putting his foot down" on his mate from walking about their home. He began to notice that Midoriya was struggling and as much he hated to admit, he hated seeing him struggle.

"B-but—" the ringing of their doorbell cut Midoriya off. He watched as Bakugo disappeared to go respond.

Soon enough Uraraka skipped in with a bright smile. "I heard my best friend needed some company today," the charms on her tan purse jingled as she walked closer towards the Omega.

Midoriya didn't say anything, he was rather shocked since he has not seen his closest friend in what feels like quite awhile. "Hi," he apprehensively waved his hand.

"You're so big!" She practically jumped towards her best friend. Uraraka was ready for a hug. She got what she wanted, they hugged.

Bakugo patted his mates head, "Don't get into too much trouble, I'm off to work. I'm wrapping things up before my vacation," he gave Midoriya a forehead kiss before wandering off.

"Bye!" The two omegas giggled.

Midoriya was ready to get out of the house. He felt a bit trapped, "can we go to the bookstore?"

"You're in bedrest I thought?"

"I am but what Bakugo doesn't know, won't hurt him,"

"Agreed, let's go!" Uraraka helped her friend get ready and off they went.


The two walked on the pavement, Midoriya waddling around and Uraraka practically skipping. She's excited to be outside and with her closest friend.

He heard a small tune being hummed from her, "You're happy as ever, Uraraka," Midoriya loved seeing her happy. "Is there something I should know about?" The greenette teased her.

"What? Haha, noooo~" she sheepishly attempted to avoid the question. "I don't want to jinx it," she whispered, poking her fingers together. A slight blush tinted over her cheeks.

Midoriya took her hands, shaking them a little "Tell me, tell me, tell me!" He has to know!

"I think I met someone," she muttered. The crimson shade still very much apparent. "I ordered my 5pm hot chocolate as usual before I went to the club,"

His eyes gleaming with hope, "Yeeeessssss~"

Uraraka went on to explain the situation...


She stood aside, waiting for her hot chocolate with miniature marshmallows. So sweet and very much needed!

"Uraraka?" A barista called out, quickly after another name was called.

She didn't listen to the second name. Just grabbed her drink and went. So she thought. One sip and she spit it out. "What the fuck?" She bumped into a larger figure, "I'm so sorry,"

A man with dark hair and glasses looked at her, "I saw you in there already. Are you Uraraka?" He laughed a bit, "I think we grabbed the wrong beverages!"


"Then I got his number but I was super sussed out that he knew my name at first!" Uraraka explained.

"Sounds like something straight out of a romance movie," Midoriya thought it was cute.

Uraraka opened the door to their destination, "you should talk. Your husband is all 'let me wife you up' like it's not big deal!" The usual dinging was music to their ears.

Midoriya blushed a bit looking back at it. Now he's married to a handsome and capable Alpha. He looked down at his bump, rubbing it slightly with a fat grin.

Uraraka went off on her own, looking for her cheesy romance books. She's such a hopeless romantic, even if she won't admit it.

The greenette was looking at poetry books, yes he's become a fan of poetry lately. Midoriya is fond of the uplifting poems. He picked the perfect book and went to check out.

Uraraka met up with him at the counter with a new book as well. They left promptly.

"Has anyone been harassing you or following you around lately?" Uraraka felt something was off. As if they were being watched.

Midoriya was looking through the first few pages of his new book. "Not really. I wouldn't be surprised if my husband had someone tail us," 

Bakugo did say his wife was to remain on bedrest. Midoriya wouldn't put it past him to have someone spy on them.

Uraraka looked slightly behind them and did see someone behind them. Nothing off putting but definitely creepy. "Let's get you home, hm?" She took Midoriya by the arm and they crossed the street.

Their destination was on the other side, they crossed the street for nothing, "Where are we going?"

"Shhh," she pressed her index finger to her lips, "don't freak out but I think we're being followed,"

Omegas are followed for multiple reasons. Most of them being dangerous or a scam. Since they're naturally pretty and petite, they're often victims of celebrity or modeling scams.

I can't run with Midoriya here, he couldn't keep up in his condition. Uraraka thought to herself. She was used to being followed, it's common when you work in her industry.

The figured got closer.... closer.

"What should we do?" Midoriya whispered. Usually he'd defend himself but it's impossible in his condition.

Uraraka whispered into his ear. "Got it?"

"Yeah," he replied.

They were determined to get away without harm.


Hello, it's me. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. Thank you to all those who support my books still. I'll try to get better!!
This pandemic has been hard on us all. I hope y'all are doing okay 🥹

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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