Schools Out

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Adams Pov  

As I sit in my last sophomore 10th-grade math class bored out of my mind glancing at the ticking clock going minute by minute as my teacher Ms. Rodriguez goes over some math problems that nobody seems to remember that we did as a class in school at home yesterday.

I stared out the window daydreaming of what my summer would look like. In my daydream, I had many friends who talked to me on the phone all night of the hour and didn't steal my lunch money.

I believed that this summer was my summer to find some things like possibly finding my true self and making some friends along the way. I delightfully smiled while looking out the window, then my daydream was cut short by my teacher when she startled me by slamming a math book hard on my desk.

The slam startled me to where I fell out of my seat and hit the side of my body on the floor hard while all of the other students around me just snickered, laughed, and even imitated me falling out of my chair which was not very kind of them to do.

Ms. Rodriguez slammed the math book on the floor and all the other students got back to work. She then walked over to me as I tried to rub the pain away on the side of my stomach. 

She walked up to me and got up close and personal in my face and said: " Instead of daydreaming about your stupid summer plans or whatever you were thinking about you should be listening to my lesson Adam." She said, rolling her eyes at me in anger and frustration as she walked back to the chalkboard to do more math problems.

I picked up my chair from the floor and sat down. I tried to focus real hard on the board but the only thing I was focused on was who I'm going to be and the new friends I will make when it hits summertime. I played with the pencil in my hand counting backward for how much time we had until it was finally summer vacation.

I started counting from then the dismissal bell blasted through the classroom over the loudspeaker. Me and all the other students grabbed our things and packed ourselves in the hallway like sardines in a tin can squishing, pushing, and wiggling our way through the hallway to get to the lockers and get our things for the best summer we'll ever have! Meanwhile, me on the other hand was getting pushed around like a basketball.

I eventually made it outside where I saw my mom's minivan parked out in front of the school. I make a quick dash for it without getting spotted by anyone.

I hop in the car gracefully and slam the door shut once I was inside the car I put my seatbelt on because obviously safety first. Once my seat belt was on me and my mom drove off.

Me and my mother sat in the car and didn't talk for what seemed like forever but my mother broke the thick heavy silence between us and said: " Adam, my sweet potato, what are your summer plans?" It sounded more like a challenge than it did a question.

I shrugged my shoulders and said: " I don't know mom, I haven't thought about my summer plans yet." I lied and she smiled at me but I could tell her eyes didn't believe me. All of a sudden my eyes got heavy and the world was silent then it faded to black.

Authors note 

Not my best chapter but I hope you all appreciate it and I hope you all vote and comment on my story I love you all so so much. ❤️

See y'all in the next chapter

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