Chapter 1

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It was a bright and sunny day while the sound of birds chirping could be heard. Both Loid and Y/N were standing in a train station as a man then approached them the man gave them some newspapers.

A new mission already I thought it would take longer to receive a mission
Y/N thought to themselves before walking behind Loid who then got on a train. The two were quiet while reading their own newspapers that had their new mission.

"Congratulations on completing your mission, please forgive us but a new mission has come in for you. Our targets are the undercover spies that could be working for the west, As for your mission get married to a secret police and get your hands on the evidence on the west"

That instantly made Y/N go quiet when the sound of loid spitting his tea at the newspaper was heard as Loid shouted loudly
"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO HAVE A CHILD IN SEVEN DAYS!!" Y/N blinked a few times so did the people around them Loid quiet coughed before apologizing to everyone. Y/N kicked Loid's leg while glaring at him a bit.

Once off the train both Loid and Y/N went their separate ways
This is gonna be a very tough mission I know nobody who is a secret police how am I suppose to find a secret police..? Oh well! Guess i'll find a new mission!
Y/N smiled ear to ear already thinking of a new mission
Maybe Loid's mission is pretty easy lucky Loid.

As a few days had already rolled around Loid was already a few steps ahead of Y/N but Y/N was still stuck in square one. Y/N was in a cafe while drinking some coffee while also quietly dying on the inside at the fact their mission was never gonna be completed
I can't believe it! THIS MISSION SUCKS! I'm about to rip my hair out of my scalp!

Y/N let out a very small sigh when the sound of the cafe bell ringing signalling that someone had entered. Y/N looked up and saw him. He was pretty tall and handsome his hair was a bit long and black then there was his eyes that seemed to be a shade of red. Y/N could barely take their eyes off of this guy and the fact he had his hand on a badge on his coat hidden
Pretty suspicious...keeping something on your coat hidden...could he be a...?

"Excuse me" Y/N then snapped out of their train of thoughts when that guy was smiling at them
"I noticed you seemed to be staring at me, is something wrong?" Y/N began to panic how did this guy notice them staring at him.

"I..uh.." Y/N grew quiet trying to think of an excuse as the young man also waited
"I just noticed how... Handsome you are!" Y/N blushed a bit since after saying that made them a bit embarrassed as the Guy also blushed
"Does that mean!" The guy moved even closer to Y/N
"Your into handsome guys!" Y/N gulped a bit now even more embarrassed

"What's your name? I must know!" This conversation was making Y/N super embarrassed this guy was too excited over the fact they had called him handsome
"U-Uh i'm Y/N L/N, you are..?"
The guy kept smiling before speaking
"I'm Yuri Briar, nice to meet you Y/N" Y/N nodded fast while also still blushing
This Yuri guy...he is a Secret cop...i need to complete this mission then I can finally sleep tonight!

"I have a question uh Yuri"
Yuri tilted his head a bit confused on what Y/N wanted to ask about
"Go ahead ask away" 
Y/N put their hand on their neck before speaking again
"I was wondering if your seeing anyone"
"Oh? We just met and your trying to ask me out? How adorable"
Y/N's hand twitched now wanting to beat the life out of Yuri after he had said that.

Soon Y/N and Yuri had left the cafe and started talking about the topic that had been brought up
"Let me get this straight, your little friends think your some kind of traitor because people your age usually are married so you need me! Some random guy you just met to be your pretend Husband"
Y/N nodded with a very annoyed expression no matter how much they explained it to Yuri he was still confused.

I'm about to make his death look like an accident! I swear he's a damn idiot!
"Fine fine I'll accept your little fake marriage.. But no one has to know right"
Y/N nodded with a small smile finally happy that they are no longer in square one
"Finally you got it, I thought you were a damn idiot"
"Well sorry! I can always report you to the cops if you'd like that"
Y/N gave Yuri the biggest glare after that was said knowing that it would be the end of them if the cops caught them

"I was kidding.."
"You better be, or else" Yuri just lightly rolled his eyes before smiling to himself
"So what now..?"
"Well we need to get some rings to act like we are actually a thing like you know"
"Alright then, geez your being a pretty needy lover" Y/N grew quiet before pinching Yuri's arm already regretting this mission so much.

I should have just found another guy now i'm stuck with this Yuri guy I hope doesn't get on my nerves too much.

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