Chapter 5

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When Y/N and Yuri left Loid then let out a sigh finally glad that it was now over
"I'm very sorry about my brother Loid.." Loid just gave Yor a very exhausted smile before speaking
"It's alright Yor, I can tell how much Yuri cares about you" Yor smiled as well after Loid had said that
"He really does!"
I must be careful with Yuri even thought he is part of the secret police he could easily have me locked up or worse me and Y/N having this mission fail will be the end of me

While both Yor and Loid went to bed Y/N was taking care of Yuri who was pretty scuffed up after beat up by his sister Y/N was bright red while handing Yuri a new shirt to change in
"W-Why aren't you in the bathroom changing into a new shirt!" Yuri looked at Y/N before shrugging
"Get use to it Y/N, we live together so you'll have to get use to it"

Y/N just became even more red before turning away
I never signed up to this when I got this mission I swear...but of course I think i'd like to stay with Yuri..

Y/N let out a very quiet sigh 

"Hey Y/N?"
"What is it now Yuri..." Y/N turned to look at Yuri when out of the blue Yuri planted a quick kiss on Y/N's cheek as the two became bright red

"W-What was that for!"
"I thought maybe we could probably have a bit of.. you know! What couples do!" Y/N just didn't respond at all 
"L-lets pretend that never happened now let's head to bed" Yuri just nodded fast.

While Yuri was peacefully sleeping in bed Y/N was searching the entire room for his suitcase
That kiss was out of the blue yet my heart won't stop beating real fast, he really had the guts to do that I think I really liked that...

Y/N quietly gulped when their hand suddenly hit something hard a small smile appeared on Y/N's lips as they pulled Yuri's brief case out from under the bed Y/N then opened it and used a small light to look through the whole thing Y/N then picked up an I.D that was Yuri in his SSS uniform Y/N lightly blushed
I mean he is pretty handsome..but never mind that!

Y/N put the I.D back as they kept searching they weren't able to find any of the evidence of the traitors that could be working for the west

Y/N let out a very small sigh
He probably has it hidden somewhere else, or he has it at his work oh well.

Y/N then put the brief case back where they had found it as Y/N joined Yuri in bed they made sure not to wake him up at all Y/N grew quiet while caressing Yuri's head

I know this entire thing is part of my mission to make world peace possible, but i think I wouldn't have the heart to leave Yuri all on his own once this mission is would he even react...

Y/N just stayed quiet while holding Yuri close letting his head rest against their chest
"Your such a baby when your drunk.."
Y/N began turning a bit red as their hand touched their cheek
God i can't believe you actually did that my mind refuses to even forget about that.

As the morning had arrived Yuri was all dressed ready to go to work he grabbed his brief case and made his way to the front door
"Y/N i'm about to head out to work!"
"Okay okay" Yuri then just stood at the front door as if waiting for something
"What's wrong Yuri? What are you even waiting for!" Yuri then patted his cheek before speaking
"Where's my goodbye kiss!" Y/N turned bright red before rolling their eyes

Y/N then made their way to Yuri as they got on their tippy toes
I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!

Y/N then planted a small kiss on Yuri's cheek
"H-Have a good day a-a work darling" a very bright smile appeared on Yuri's lips
"Okay! I'll see you after work!" Yuri was then out the door like a very excited child ready to go to their first day at school Y/N let out a very small sigh a bit annoyed over the fact they weren't able to find that envelope
I just hope that the Handler doesn't end up getting annoyed over this..

Once arriving at his job Yuri was still smiling ear to ear while putting his coat in his locker
"Look's like meeting your sister's husband went well or should I say that with those bandages on your head" Yuri turned to his captain
"Oh! I don't really remember what happened last night I feel bad cause i probably caused a huge disaster, all I kinda remember was my wife dragging me home.." Yuri said very embarrassed before speaking again with a bit of anger
"But let's put that aside! Her husband! He's definitely a spy! We need to put him behind bars!" The captain just stared at Yuri before speaking

"Do you even have evidence?" Yuri froze up realizing he never put cameras up in their house
"Then we can't just put some innocent man behind bars, how was he even like if I may ask" Yuri grew quiet before speaking again
"Well if I can remember correctly is that the guy was very nice and a very good cook he's also very handsome" the captain grew quiet after that was said
"But being a very nice guy is common in spies! I hope he's a spy so I can lock him up for good!"

"If your sister is happy then You might as well give her your blessing, its way past time you get over your sister, how would your lover react once they find out you love your sister more"
"Its not like that! I do love my wife.. But still"
"Whatever you say, anyways I need your head on this job our mission is to catch western spies and those 'Twilight' and 'Midnight' characters most of all" Yuri grew quiet while thinking of what the captain had said Yuri put his hat on before speaking again

"You're right sir, for now i'll get over my sister"
But Loid Forger if you ever make my sister cry i'll make you regret it..

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