*LeeAnnes pov*
"Wake up. Get off that bench now LeeAnne!"I woke up because I knew it was Mike waking me up. We technically arn't supposed to sleep without being protected by something, too many risks. I was a bit hungry and it was early so I looked to my left where I left my bag the night before. "Where's my bag?" I slowly said. Many Rulebrakers have lost bags before, it was no big deal to them, but to a rebel, your bag is all you have.
"I have it don't worry" he said slinging the small drawstring bag from his shoulder then throwing it on my lap. "Anyway we have to eat quickly. Today's the Split and I want to get a move on."
"What. Do you not like me or something?" I said sarcasticaly. The split is what we call it on a day when a two partners must split up.
He laughed a bit then said "Well I hate everyone but you're the least unbearable. The reason I want to get out of here quick is because there's this girl-"
I cut him off "Nope. I can't let you date. You know the rules. We can't date anyone outside of out community and since we hate each other and we don't know any other Rulebrakers we are just out of luck."
"I don't like her like that and you know it" he replied with a laugh.
"Yea well just don't kiss her. You know what happened when someone did that."
"Anyway I got to go. She's probably wondering where I am" he reached in my bag and grabbed a granola bar, then ran off.
I just laughed it off but I knew what would happen if he really did like her, and I don't want that to happen.