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In the morning you wake in Jin's arms as he is wrapped around you holding you tight. Kissing him on the cheek he stirs and swats his hand halfheartedly. "Gaja na jage haejwo Jungkook."

I don't know what you said but Jungkook isn't here. I have to leave.

He sighs and grabs you cuddling against your ribs. I thought it was Jungkook waking me up. Do you have to leave? You're always busy, it's Sunday.

I'll be back for breakfast, Oppa.

"All right." He says and is waking up himself.

Jin, may I borrow a shirt? I don't want to put on my dress.

He nods and points to his dresser. The second drawer my little one.

You smile, grabbing a white T-shirt out and putting it on. You had agreed last night that he was the only one allowed to call you little one. And you had to admit you liked it from him.

Blowing him a kiss as you left you walked down the hall and were halfway to your room when you yelped and were pulled into his dark room.

Smelling him is always a turn on and he must think the same as he's sniffing your neck. You smell really good.

"Thanks. Did you want a quickie? I have things to do." You ask still salty about the other night.

Pushing you back towards his bed his hands make quick work of removing your panties before he is maneuvering inside of you.

He's so hard he's having difficulties, and you are nowhere near his level of excitement and suddenly very frustrated with him you turn your eyes towards his desk and look at some of the things on there. It wasn't that you didn't want him, you always did but you knew you weren't going to get anything out of this encounter. When he grunts and stills before looking down at you finally you turn and look at him. Your eyes lock both angry and you wonder. What did I do?

He rolls off of you and lays there. "I'm sorry."

You put your panties back on. For what? I told you if you wanted it you could. You obviously like me enough for that. But maybe think about the fact that I do like you Yoongi or I did a whole lot.

You walk out, closing the door quietly. In your room under the hot beating water you are about to cry but stop. You were not going to cry. Just because one of them only wanted you for sex it was not going to make you turn into a crying whiny girl begging for attention. You had six other men who wanted more with you.

Once dressed you go to the kitchen and Trish is there watching Jin flip pancakes and cheering. And not able to resist you kiss Jin and tease your friend. "Hey, find your own man."

She blushes before moaning. "God, I'm so embarrassed."

Yoongi has been stirring eggs and he looks at you. "Only Jin gets a kiss?"

Squeezing the yogurt so hard it explodes as you look at him in wonder. What the fuck kind of game are you playing? If you wanted a kiss you should have done that when you were inside of me instead of leaving me looking around your room for something to interest me.

Jin is cleaning the mess and whispers. "Are you okay little one?"

You kiss his worried lips. "Yes Oppa I am."

Walking off you beckon your head and Trish follows. In her room while she dresses you tell her what happened while Nari is on the phone.

"Ooh girl I would be pissed. Twice now he's done that?"

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