The Haunting Past.

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---------- hello all ! i haven't written a story in a very long time, but today, i've brought today one of my favorite obsessions: strangers from hell/hell is other people. the characters and art do not belong to me ! enjoy. <3

the song is :: scary fairy tale by IU. i thought it would suit something like this. <3


                                                        3RD PERSON POV !

It had been yet, another day of Yoon Jongwoo waking up in the hospital. Now, most would think people don't usually stay inside of hospitals that long but in jongwoo's position, he suffered quite a bit. Even the loss of his relationship with Jieun. It all started when he moved from his hometown, to Seoul. It all ended up being a bad idea in the end, unlucky for Yoon Jongwoo. The light shined rather bright into the hospital window, blinding jongwoo slightly. a groan escaped from the males mouth as the door of his hospital room opened, a nurse walking in with a bright smile. "Good morning, Jongwoo. How'd you sleep?" Jongwoo hadn't even fully woke up and they were already chatting his head off. a huff seemingly escaped him before opening his eyes slowly to not get blinded by the light. 

Jongwoo's anger issues seemed to have gotten a little worse after that night. The final night he was in that god forsaken hellhole of a hotel. Sitting up fully, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at the nurse who seemed rather cheery this early in the morning. "What time is it?" he mumbled before the nurse replied with, "9am." Which made jongwoo groan internally inside his mind before watching what the nurse was doing, getting his meds as always at this time. Usually, jongwoo was always up at 9am and well, it got rather annoying afterall. What could jongwoo do anyways? He was in a hospital. His hair had gotten longer, obvious facial hair but it seemed it was getting treated every so often and he appeared buffer than he was before. Before, it looked as if he weighed absolutely nothing compared to other people. Eventually, taking his medicine, the nurse left shortly after. 

It only felt like it all happened just yesterday to jongwoo. the attacking, the killing, everything. It all felt like a nightmare when it was happening, it didn't feel real. He thought things like this only happened in movies so actually living something so terrifying sent the male over the edge. It had only been a year since it happened truthfully. Every night and day, jongwoo woke up with night terrors of that same night. Even night terrors of that monster of a man coming back for him. What would happen if he actually did? But there was no way he could... jongwoo stabbed him. Multiple times at times. With a shake of his head, he looked outside and stared at the sky. Maybe he would ask the nurse to let him outside for a while, it looked to a clear sky anyways so why not? The door to his room opened yet again and the smell of food entered the males nostrils, his stomach growling lowly at the sudden scents filling his nose. Dropping the food off, the nurses were off again. Jongwoo stared at the food that was given and scrunched his nose at it. Hospital food wasn't the best in the males opinion but it was really all he had at the moment. Of course, he ate the food and eventually carried on with his day like usual.

4 days later -----------

It was always the same thing everyday for a year until now. When he was told he was being discharged, he was excited. There wasn't enough words, not enough emotion, to describe how jongwoo felt right in that moment. He left the hospital as fast as he could, grabbing everything he had owned that he hadn't lost. His clothes? Washed but the same exact clothes he wore that night. The last time the man named Seo Moonjo was seen. He was sure he stabbed him and killed him... But when he was in ambulance? How come he had saw him? Nothing ever made sense. Shaking his head, Jongwoo made his way to a hotel room. The hospital was nice enough to let jongwoo stay inside a hotel that they paid for while he looked for a job. 

Jongwoo really tried to live a normal life after everything but everyday was getting harder and harder for the male. Sure, he was an adult but he held quite a bit on his shoulders. His boss was dead, his lover didn't make the effort to contact him after everything, his mom used him mostly for money. What could he really do? He was lucky to have found a job that helped him get pass with everything. Things would only get more and more hard for him but it was life. It was going fine, to be honest until... He started seeing him again. After all this time, why was he seeing that monster again? Sure, he saw him in his nightmares but at every single corner. Paranoia creeped up on jongwoo quickly when he was out alone. Even at night time, it was a whole lot worse. 

"Maybe I shouldn't have left the hospital yet.." he mumbled to himself as he began walking home. It was a rather cold and cripsy kind of night so thankfully jongwoo had a jacket on to keep him warm for the most part. As he was walking, there was a sound of footsteps behind him but he shook it off as if he was just being paranoid, not paying any mind to look behind him. It ate him, the whole time he was walking. It felt as if jongwoo was getting nowhere now as he had been walking for a fairly long time. Had he gotten lost? It was likely. It was at that moment he heard footsteps. The hair stood on the back of his neck, a familiar voice filling his ears. Eyes widened.

"Hello, darling. It's been a while, has it not?"



thank you all for reading !! i really hope you enjoyed it. <3 it took me a few to think and write this for i was going for a cliffhanger at the end. this is a oneshot so don't expect anything after it.. unless you want it then maybe. :p  byeeee. 

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