Freaky Fred x AFAB Reader

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The day was like any other since you had arrived. You sat comfortably on the couch, Courage snoring softly in your lap and the static of the TV filling the room as you gently stroked his fur. The feeling of sleep began to overcome you as you closed your eyes and contentedly nodded off. That is, until the silence was broken by the sound of the doorbell ringing once, twice, thrice. You jumped from your seat, frantically looking around the room for the source of the noise, which quickly became apparent as your vision became clear and your brain fog subsided. "Oh, that must be Fred! Y/N, could you be a dear and get the door for me?" You heard Muriel shout from the kitchen. Who could ever say no to that sweet voice? Although she didn't mention anything about having company today..not that you minded. If Muriel liked them, so did you! You got up and smoothed your wrinkled clothing, taking a quick peek at your reflection in the TV before stepping over to the door. As you reached for the door knob, however, you felt something brush harshly against your leg. You jumped and looked down to find courage latched onto your calf, shivering and whimpering. "What's wrong courage?" After not receiving an audible reply, you leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the head, reassuring him that it would be okay. He always was the skittish type, after all. You only had to be with him for a day to know that. Despite Courage's persistent stammering, you opened the door and began warmly greeting who you assumed was Fred with a big smile. You trailed off, however, as your gaze slowly traveled up to meet his. He was... A character to say the least. He looked to be relatively young, maybe around 30-ish, yet his hair was badly receding. He sported a big, Cheshire grin and vibrant green eyes that almost seemed to glow as they pierced into you. They were only made more noticeable by the prominent dark circles underneath them, indicating what you assumed was a severe lack of sleep. You shook away your thoughts and resumed your hellos, hoping that you didn't stare for too terribly long. "Hi! You must be Fred, right? I'm (Y/N), it's lovely to meet you!" His smile somehow seemed to grow even wider as he looked you up and down. You couldn't quite read the expression on his face, and you had to hold back a shudder.  "Yyyeeeesss, the pleasure is all mine.~" His voice caught you off guard. His tone was sensual and low, gravelly with a buttery accent. British, you assumed. The kind that reverberated in your ribcage and made your heart beat ever faster. This time you couldn't hold back the chill that racked your body. You hoped he hadn't noticed, but as you looked back up at him there was a glint in his eyes that you knew wasn't there before. "A-a-I. Um. Please come in!" You cursed yourself for stuttering and stepped aside, allowing him to walk into the living room. He was extremely tall with a lanky, thin build that reminded you a bit of a Tim Burton film. You couldn't seem to tear your eyes away from him as he took long, precise strides in front of you. He set down his briefcase and took a seat on the sofa, a large smile still plastered on his face. You knew that logically you should find him to be unnerving, but it was obvious that your heightened heart rate wasn't due to fear. You were brought back to attention by the sound of footsteps coming towards the living room. Muriel's form emerged from the kitchen, her face lighting up as soon as she saw Fred. "Oh, Fred my dear nephew! It's so good to see you! And I see you've met (Y/N)! (She'll/he'll/they'll) be staying here for a while as well!" His eyes flickered in your direction, then back to her. "Yeees." He began to look around, before settling on staring at Courage, who yelped and hid between your legs. You had never seen Courage this shaken, poor thing. Not that you really blamed him. Fred did seem to be quite the eccentric fellow. Looking up from the dog shuddering below you, you found that his eyes were now on you. He was clearly thinking very hard about something, although you weren't sure you wanted to know what. Muriel chimed in once more, seemingly ignorant of the growing tension in the air. "Fred, dear, you must be exhausted! Would you like to freshen up?" He gave a curt nod in reply, never taking his eyes off of you. "Courage, could you please show Fred to the bathroom?" "NnnNNNOOO!!" He howled. You took pity on him, offering to bring Fred there yourself. "Oh, thank you (Y/N)! Such a sweet little thing.." She hurried back into the kitchen, the clatter of pots and pans telling you she was still working on dinner. You turned back to Fred, disguising your nerves with a polite smile. "It's right this way."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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