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Hi my name is Lylian (Li-Lee-en) Rose River. I am 14 years old and going into my freshman year. I have brown hair, brown eyes. I am athletic like everyone in my family and oh yeah I am a wolf. How about I tell you about my home pack and my friend pack.

I have two older brothers there 17 and going into there senior year. There names are James and John River. If you didn't know they are twins and James is older by and hour. They are both identical brown hair hazel eyes and athletic. There both on the football team. My mother and father Rose and Lee River. My mom has brown hair hazel eyes and my dad has brown hair brown eyes. My father is the alpha in our pack.

My friend pack has been my friends since I was 6. There is me of course I am the mom of the group. There is Isabella Willow she is the youngest in our group. Isabella we also call her bella has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Then there is Brett Jordan he is the oldest in our group his birthday is a month before mine. Brett has blonde hair and blue eyes.

We all live in Riverside and go to (SRHS) South River High School. Our mascot is an otter. The school colors are blue and brown. Riverside is pretty quite but what the town doesn't know is that they have had a wolf pack living with them for years.

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Sorry for the short chapter I will try to make the next one longer this is just the intro to the family her friends and where they live. Tell me what you think so far.

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