First day of freshman year

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POV: Lylian

(Alarm goes off)

Good morning I am so excited today is my first day of freshman year. My brother James is taking me and John to school today.

Howling then James says, " Hurry up get dressed cub we are going to be late,"

I am up James I am getting ready now.

I got on my outfit for today(the picture) then,
I run downstairs and sat at the table to eat some cereal. After eating I brushed my hair and teeth, put on deodorant. After that I got my bag and headed to James's red sports car.

"Finally, you take forever cub," said John.

"And you don't," I tell him sarcastically.

"Cubs got a point John," James says while starting the car. John slaps James in the arm.

"Do you have your bracelet cub?" John and James asked me.

"Do you two have your rings I remarked, yeah I have it," I reply to them.

My family and I wear a bracelet or ring that tells the others if one of us are in danger.

My family and I wear a bracelet or ring that tells the others if one of us are in danger

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Her bracelet

The twin's ring (John and James)

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The twin's ring (John and James)

"Of course we do," they replied.

(Arrives at school)

"Alright cub don't do drugs and have fun you got 4 more years make them count," James says to me.

"Yeah I agree with James happiest years of your life," John agreed.

"You guys both sound like our parents," I remarked to them.

I get out of the car and walks up to the sidewalk to wait for my best friends.

"Lylian!" Brett called.

I walked over and saw brett and willow. willow's wearing a very cute outfit that looks comfy which is an over size shirt and some black shorts. Brett is wearing a shirt from sectionals during track and field season that says Jordan and 4 by 400, long jump and shot put on the back with Jean pants.

"Hey guys what is up," I say to them.

"I am so excited we are freshman's this year and maybe I have a chance with your older brothers now that we are in high school," willow exclaimed excitedly.

"Slow down willow that is so gross they are my brothers to old for you and off limits rule number 6 will," I say to one of my best friends.

"Come on Lily," she says complaining.

"Lils got ever right to say off limits on her brothers there to old for you," Brett says agreeing with me.

"Come on let's get to our lockers and find our class before we are late," I say to them.

"Hey thing 1 and 2!" I yell to my brothers.

"What is up sport?" they ask.

"Can you help us find the classroom we are going to math?" I ask them hopefully.

"Anything for you sis," John says to me messing up my hair

"Hey john what was that for," I say as I try to fix my hair.

"Got to mess with you while we can right,"James John replied as we arrived at the classroom.

"Thanks you two," I say to them.

"Thanks James and John," brett and willow says to them.

"Hello Mr. Rivers, shouldn't you be going to class?" Miss Smith asked my brothers.

"Yeah we are just showing our sister Lylian and her friends to there first class," John responded.

"Yes thank you for that you two may go to your class," she says to them.

We go into the class where Brett, Willow, and I find a seat together.

"Hello I am miss smith I will be your math teacher this year," Miss Smith says and starts to takes role.

"Lylian River," she calls after a while.

"Here," I responded.

"Yes, I hope you aren't a trouble maker like your two older brothers," she commented on my brothers. They didn't pay attention in her class at all when they were freshman's. After that she continues role.

-Time skip-

"Yes finally lunch I am so hungry I could eat a fox," I say to my friends.

"Yeah we know," willow says.

"Hey do you mind if I sit here," said a boy we have never seen before. He was pale and was wearing jeans with a long sleeve green shirt on.

"Sure of course you can, I am Lylian this is Brett and this is willow. You are?" I asked the boy.

"My name is Luke. I am new here I am also a freshman," he replied.

"We are to," I say.

All four of us just talk until after lunch then we all walk to class together.

-time skip-

"See you guys tomorrow," I say to Brett, willow, and Luke.

"See yeah," they say to me.

As I walk to James car I see that there talking to Fred there best friend.

"Hey Fred, Hey Thing 1 and 2," I say to them.

"Hey sport how is high school for yeah?" Fred asks.

"Just fine I don't think Miss Smith like me very much," I say laughing.

All four of us get in and after we drop off Fred we head home.

-at dinner-

"So how was all of your guys first day," mom asks.

"It was howlsome (awesome) mom!" I say "The twins helped my friends and I get to my first class,"

"That is good cub," she replies.

" Our day was fine mom we hung out with Fred during our break," James says.

"Yeah it was fine,"John agrees.

After dinner we all go on a run in the woods. After our run I go upstairs and take a shower after my shower I get in bed and watch Bones. When it is 10pm I turn off the tv and go to bed. As soon as I close my eyes I go into a dreamless sleep.


964 words
So what do you think of Lylian's  first day of high school

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