The Meeting

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"I hate donuts. I know hate is a big word to use to talk about a food item that is everyone's favourite happy food. For me, it was just miserable. It symbolized loneliness and everything bad that happen to me.

 You see, my mum was a policewoman, she was also a great chef. Everyday after her shift, she would come home and cook us the bestest, tastiest meal ever. Then she would call us Chubby Chunkies. We always joked that she was fattening us for sacrifice to the food gods. Dad, well he wasn't around much. He had a big job in a big company doing shares and stuff. We didn't have a relationship with him.

One day when mum was out on a case, the thief was armed and well, mum was shot and killed in line of duty. We were all broken when she died, most of all dad. He quit his job to work closer to home so he could look after us. He didn't want to move us nor did he want to leave mum behind. So he got a job at a donut shop. He worked all day and used to bring home donuts that he got free from working shifts there for us to have for dinner. At first, it was pretty cool to have donuts every night. We got to try all the flavours and ran on sugar highs. But after a while we got sick of it, a little after that, we got sick of him too. We hardly ever saw him and when we did, he was usually asleep, crying or miserable. He left us to ourselves most of the time. There was never enough money or food, everything was falling apart, the bills were piling up, groceries were never enough, I was on charity at school because I never had food for lunch. It was crap but I made the best of everyday telling myself I'm going to get my brother and me out of this dump.

I knew one thing for sure, I had to finish high school. After graduation, I decided to take a break and work to help my little brother get through school. I worked as a personal assistant to a CEO of a Fortune 500 company nearby. It paid me good money. When I turned 20, I had made enough to start a new life somewhere else so I petitioned for full custody of my brother and we moved away. That day, we just packed everything we owned, left a note on the kitchen counter, drove off and never looked back. I never heard from or of my dad since. I got another job, put my brother in a good school and paid for night classes at a college nearby.

 Every time I saw donuts, my stomach churned and my drive to work hard grew. It grew so much that I eventually graduated with honours and started my own company. I never looked back and neither should you. My name is Andrea. I am the founder and owner of this here Talisman Incorporated. I have selected you very special people from the wide pool of applications because I know you have similar drives and dreams as mine and it is my goal to help you grow to be the best version of yourselves. So welcome to the company! I hope you feel as motivated and inspired to work here as I am to have you here with me."

The sound of applause filled the air and there were hoots as I walked off the stage. It was our company's orientation day and as the CEO I was there to welcome all the new staff. At the mixer, I talked to a few of the new staff and welcomed them personally into our company. I made it a point to know each and every one of my staff members. I walked around surveying the food at the buffet. I had specifically requested there be absolutely no donuts anywhere and was pretty pleased with myself. I saw my manager gesturing me to join him and meet some new people. As I walked towards him,I saw a young girl, she was fair and had the same dirty blond hair as myself. She was staring at me with a strange look. I just brushed it off and continued on. The party was a success and everyone was having fun. I met a few more new hires and spent some time helping them make connections with the right people. After I made my rounds, I walked to the bar. I ordered another whiskey and sat back with a sigh of relief surveying the sea of people around me feeling exasperated. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed meeting new people but this was exhausting. As I waited for my drink, the girl from before approached me.

"Hi, I wanted to introduce myself. I am one of your new hires. My name is Audrey. Audrey M." she struck her hand out. I smiled and shook it. 

"Hi it's nice to meet you, Audrey M. Are you enjoying the orientation party?

"Yes, it's quite the party!" she said as she ordered her drink and turning to me she pointed to the seat." May I?"
I nodded and gestured her to sit down. "Please..."

" You know you look a little familiar. Have we met before?"

"No we have not but I know a lot about you."

" Oh you do, do you? Investigated the boss lady before joning?" I said with a smirk sipping my whiskey. The drink assuaged me. 

"Haha not quite"


"I know some things that my dad told me"

"I see, and who might your dad be?"

"Malcom Raynard." She said the name and I felt the chill run down my spine. My eyes widened. I almost dropped the glass in my hand. 

" I'm sorry, who?"

"Malcom Raynard...your father". At this, she turned and looked straight into my eyes, her face held no expression. 

I couldn't process this, everything around me suddenly seemed to be moving in slow motion. I looked anywhere but at her. Everything was a little blurry, I needed to get out of here.

"Are you ok?"

I couldn't answer her. I took one last look at her, got up and left. I didn't look back. Not when she walked after me, not when she called out my name, not when she stopped following me, I didn't stop till I got to my car and drove home. 

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