Chapt 5 | a date?

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(Sadie's POV)

I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early and I searched from inside the comfort of my car for hers. I spotted it parking a few spaces from me.

I grabbed my purse, opening the door and putting a pair of sunglasses on with my hood. I walked over to her car and knocked on her window.

I smiled as she opened her door. "Hey y/n", I said still smiling. She smiled at me, she had a beautiful smile. "Hey Sadie, so what are we gonna do?" She asked me.

"We are going to have lunch here", I said pointing to the restaurant across the street.

Her face shifted. "That looks- expensive", she said.

I laughed, "don't worry Y/n, it's on me".

She looked at me and back at the restaurant. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed her hand, running across the street.

We walked through the doors and I immediately went to the lady at the front desk. "Hi! Table for 2?" She asked me. "Yes but can we get a private space where nobody else is?" I asked, taking my sunglasses off for a second. "Oh yes of course, follow me", she said with a smile.

With that I grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her along with me to the private area outside.

"This here is the balcony, we only allow a few people up here", I thanked her and sat down across from Y/n.

(Y/n's POV)

I sat down in my seat across from Sadie, the waitress walked off while smiling and I opened the menu. Only then did Sadie remove her sweater and glasses. I took in her beauty with a smile, "you look great", I said, still smiling.

She smiled at me, "thank you, you look amazing as always". I laughed at her and looked at the Menu. "I think I will get a Caesar salad with a water". Sadie said, "what about you?" She asked me.

I looked up to meet my eyes with hers, "I'll just get the same", I said with a smile as I couldn't decide what to order. "Great", she smiled. The waitress came over and took our orders. "Alright I'll have that out for you in a few moments", she said before leaving.

"So, I know we already know each other pretty well but I wanna get to know more about you", Sadie said. I smiled, "what do you wanna know?" I asked her.

"Where are you from?"

"I am originally from Chicago", I said smiling.
"What about you?" I asked.

"Brenham Texas", she said.
"That's cool, I've always wanted to visit Texas, my friend moved there last year".

"It's a beautiful place, just extremely hot", she said with a laugh.
Before we could continue with the questions, our waitress came back with our food. "We have less people here today so we were able to cook much faster", she said with a smile while she set our plates in front of us.

"Thank you", I said along with Sadie.

(Sadie's POV)

After we finished our food, I invited Y/n to join me on a nature walk. We had arrived there separately and joined together soon after.

"This is actually my favorite place to be. It helps with my thoughts", I told her.

She looked at me and lifted an eyebrow, "really?" She asked.

"Yeah, it helps calm me down in certain moments when I'm nervous or uncertain about something". She looked at me confused, "are you nervous now?" She asked me. I looked at the ground and back at her. "To tell you the truth, I kind of am. I mean I literally had to call Millie and Noah to help me prepare for this".

I heard Y/n laugh besides me, "that's cute, I honestly was freaking out as well. If you saw my room it is a total freak show, there are clothes everywhere". She said, causing me to laugh.

"You know I really enjoyed today", I heard y/n say to me. I smiled, "me too, it was nice".

"You know this is a really beautiful place", she told me.
"Yeah, it really is", I said.

(Y/n's POV)

I stopped for a second causing Sadie to turn around and look at me confused.

"Are you okay?" She asked me, concerned.

I just stood there in my own thoughts, she snapped in front of my face causing me to jump. "Yeah I'm fine, I just"-

"I get why you didn't tell me who you actually were", I said to her as her face shifted.
"You didn't wanna be used for fame or money", I walked up to her, she was a bit taller but I looked up slightly.
"I'm sorry that you thought I would ever use you Sadie".

She stared at me for a second and then sighed.
"I'm sorry I ever thought you would use me", she said and smiled. I smiled as well, "we should probably get going, we should be getting close", I said while smiling.

"Yeah let's go", she agreed.

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