Chapter 1: Take Off

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"This is taking forever!" Cries Leon.
"Dude just chill out, we're going to board the plane in 5 minutes, chill." Oliver reply's.
"You said that an hour ago."
"Oh stop being such a baby and be patient"
"You're the baby"

As the flight attendant announces that the plane is clear to board, Leon jumps from his seat and bolts toward the gate. When they arrive to their seats, they notice that their was an empty seat between them. They patiently wait and cross their fingers in hopes that an over weight 30 year man that smells like broccoli doesn't sit between them, until... " Excuse me I think that's my seat." Leon is tapped on the shoulder by a young woman with long red hair and brown eyes. Leon stares at the girl with admiration as he feels his heart leave his chest, he is frozen in time. All of a sudden he feels a blow against his left arm, numbing it, he grabs his arm in pain and lets out a loud yelp. "Dude, get up so she can sit down." Leon hadn't notice that they had both seen him foolishly staring at the girl and immediately jumps up as his face glows hot red. The girl chuckles as she sits down and introduces herself as Monica, and seems to take a liking to Leon. They spent the entire flight talking and giggling.

The plane touched down in Las Angles, California, but it seemed Oliver had lost Leon on their walk to baggage claim. He collects their bags and begins to frantically search the airport, not knowing what sort of trouble Leon would get himself into. He tries to call Leon's cellphone, but soon realizes his pocket is vibrating, but then he hears it... "Oliver River please make your way to Gate 4, daddy is worried about his little man." He pauses to think, then realizes there is only one person on earth that would be dumb enough to pull that off. "That little..." He murmurs as he makes his way to gate 4. When Oliver arrives at the gate he finds Leon laughing and gasping for air, as he rolls around on the floor. The attendant can't help but let out a few chuckles as she sees an adult walking over to the desk, realizing the joke that just happened. "Ha Ha Ha very funny, do you have that out of your system now?" says Oliver as he nails Leon in the face with his bag. "That was so much better than I could have planned!" replied Leon still laughing uncontrollably. Once Leon is able to finally calm down, they start searching for the bus to take them to where their rental car is waiting. While walking, Oliver notices something written on Leon's arm, it appears to be a phone number, immediately he thinks of Monica.

After 13 minutes of walking they find the bus, but as they proceed to step on the bus, a loud explosion comes from the runway. People began to run, pushing past anyone and everyone to get on any bus available, even if they were not going to their destination. In the mess of things Leon is pushed onto a bus with both his and Oliver's bags, and is unable to escape before all the buses take off. Hundreds of people start running into the streets, stoping all cars, whilst some getting injured, trying to get away from the airport all at once. Fear fills everyone from head to toe and all they can do is run, except for a few.

Along with a few others, Oliver begins to run towards where he heard the explosion. Running towards the smoke, Oliver finds that a plane had blew up just as it was leaving the gate, causing severe damage to the building. He hears screaming coming from the smoke, is heart starts beating fast as adrenaline slows everything and without hesitation he runs in. He covered his face using his shirt, but the smoke still clouded his vision, meaning he would have to rely on his hearing. He can hear a little girl crying and screaming, he follows the noise dodge in rubble and flames. When he finds her, she is holding onto a woman who is pinned under a peace of rubble with blood coming from her head. He learned how to feel for a pulse during his health and wellness class form junior year, she was still alive but loosing a lot of blood by the second and was slipping in and out of conciseness as the little girl screamed "Mommy" over and over.

Oliver try's to lift the price of rubble that had the woman pined down, but to no revel, he can't lift it enough to free the mother. Just then two men appear from the smoke and come to his aid. As Oliver and one of the men lift the rubble, the third drags the women out from under. The two men pick up the little girl and woman and disappear back into the smoke. Just then Oliver hears a man in the distance, as he navigates his way through the smoke he cuts his leg on a pipe sticking out a piece of concrete, causing him to fall over in pain. When he looks down to examine his leg, he see's the gash was the length of his hand. He heard the man yell for help again and uses the helpless voice as motivation to get up and keep pushing.

When Oliver finds the man, a metal rod has been driven into his leg pinning him in place. Looking at the rod, Oliver only had one choice, he had to pull the rod out of the mans leg. He grabbed the rod, but was burned by the hot metal, Oliver didn't know what to do. He couldn't leave the man there, but he also couldn't touch the bar. He thought to rip of apart of his pants to use as protection from the metal, but even with the extra layer his hands burned making him scream in vain. Without a second to waste, he gripped the bar, fighting through the pain, and pulled the bar from the mans leg. The man struggled to get up, but the thought of dying there motivated him enough to wobble into the smoke, leavings Oliver, with 2nd degree burns on his hands.

As he began to stumble away, Oliver kicked a sign that read "Gate 4." The plane that blew up was the one he had just been on, meaning one of his fellow passengers was the one that planted the bomb. The fear struck him like a bullet causing his head to spin, but during this whole conundrum; Oliver had failed to notice how much blood had left his body. The smoke clouded his eyes and filled his lounges making it almost impossible to breath. The pain from the burns on his body and the gash in his leg was to much for him to handle. As the adrenaline left his body and his heart began to slow down, Oliver proceeded to lose conciseness.

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