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Therese's pov:
I woke up early in the morning because Jenna unnie and I will go to school to finish reviewing for our exams. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to take a 15 minute shower, do my makeup and hair.
Since our school does not recquire uniform I wore my red miniskirt, my black and white stripped sweatshirt and my red flats. I went down the stairs and grabbed my by breakfast. My breakfast is made up of toast with strawberry jam and strawberry juice as I wait patiently for unnie in the dining room.

Jenna's pov:
Therese and I will review for our exams next week I got up at around 5:30 am. I ate salad with fruits and drank my vanilla latte to wake me up. I ran back to my room and took a 20 minute shower. I did my makeup and hair then changed into my galaxy printed shorts and my white tank top and overlapped it with my purple sweatshirt. I slipped my Nike Airmax on,bid my parent's goodbye and headed out the door along with Therese.  By the way its a Saturday today so there are only are only a few student's here. I've started revising on Mathematics and put my Beats on. Theres started reviewing History with her Beats as well. After an hour and a half we finished reviewing Math and History together. We went to the garden and began eating our recess. Therese had a homemade fruit punch and New york chessecake while I had a blue lemonade with fresh fruit slices and a blueberry chessecake. We were talking about EXO's new songs and stuff. And then we heard screams we stood up went to check out what was happening. OMG is this for real?! EXO is here?! We stood there wide-eyed "OMG! They're in the principals office." Therese said. A lot of students went home already but she and I stayed longer. We were sitting on the grass while chatting and studying. I recieved a call from my Ella. I signaled Therese to come with me to the hallway. "Unnie?" My cousin said "Waeyo?" I replied "Can you come over at 5?" She asked "Yeah sure annyeong." I said. Suddenly I rembered we will perform SISTAR's Ma boy. I tapped Therese and said "You know we have to practice for our performance right?" "Oh sh*t! I forgot lets go to the practice room now." she said "Arasso." I replied. We went back to the garden and grabbed our bags and went to the practice room. Good thing we have the clothes which are similar to the official outfit that we were gonna use for the performance. We got changed and played the song. BTW she'll play as Hyolyn while I'll play Bora. Since this does not recquire any movements which are fast you won't sweat or won't sweat much,we enjoy dancing to this song. We finished the song and suddenly we heard a person clapping. When we turn around we saw our principal we bowed. She went closer to us and said "Since you two are the presidents of the student council, I need you to do something." "What is it Mrs.Kim?" We asked. She told us to get dressed first. We dressed back to the clothes we were wearing awhile ago and grabbed our bags and drank some iced tea. Our principal signaled us to follow her. We were walking behind her then we stopped at the cafeteria. We looked at eachother wide-eyed. Our teacher said "I'll call them first wait here." We nodded in reply. I went near Therese and whispered "My heart is about to explode." She nodded. "Girls! I want to introduce to you our judges for this years' competition." Our principal said as she pointed to EXO. EXO bowed and introduced themselves one by one. "May I introduce you to the presidents of the student council." We bowed and introduced ourselves. "They will tour you around the campus. Have fun." Our principal said as she left. Then there was an awkward silence. "I have to use the comfort room for awhile. Excuse me." I ran to the CR and slammed the door shut and smiled like an idiot. I looked at the mirror calmed myself down. When I was ready to face them I went out and went back to the cafeteria. "Where do you guys want to go to first?" I asked "Anywhere." They answered. "Lets go then." Therese said. We were walking infront of them and took them everywhere and our last stop was the practice room. We got them drinks and something for them to eat. We talked about random stuff and we got closer. Therese tapped me and said "We should practice f(x)'s hot summer for our second performance you know." "Right. Sunbae's you can go now if you want. We are gonna practice for ----" I was cut off by Suho "It's okay just practice we'll watch." Ella and I change into clothes similar to what Krystal and Victoria. I'll play Victoria and she'll play Krystal. Before we go out I asked her "Are we gonna practice all?" Then she nodded. I shook my head and thought 'What am I gonna do?! ' We took the chair for ma boy and we gotta dance in heels for the whole performance! BTW we will also sing while dancing. We played hot summer by f(x) and started singing and dancing. We danced Hyuna's Roll deep for the last performance.

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