Chapter 9: Ms. Angelina's Interview.

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I arch my eyebrow, " You are a Ceo Ms. Angelina, focus on your goal." She smirked having a poker face while crossing her arm. " Stop messing with me Kelly, I can do whatever I want Ms. Clarkson." she indurated said.

"Oh then, what will you gonna teach me huh?" I went to her side again stared to her peaceful and beautiful appearance, plastering a grin to her as she did. Obviously, her thoughts is hard to get.

If you'll do seductive things to her, she will also did that, she likes pissing and playing people feelings right?

"Can't wait to suck your bobbies every morning," she mumbled that made me feel embarrassed. I turned around red with embarrassment, " I shall go now, I have classes."

She chuckled, "So weak, next time do it with more practice."

I left her from detention room with flushed on my cheeks, "Great you came back in time, Ms. Clarkson. You may now sit," I sat down having enough of embarrassment.

I kisses her.. what just happened to me? Agh! I bite my lips smiling staggering at the right direction while biting my nails. Ah bobbies.

"Ms. Clarkson, How do we know what we claim to know?" A voice infront made me startle as I immediately stood up arching my eyebrow.

"Question Prof?"

"How do we know what we claim to know?"

I grin, "Did you note the answer Sir?"

His eyebrows raise upward, "I memorized."

I chuckled, "Then why did you ask me?"

"You..." He murmured but I only winked for responding and sit down.

He sighs deeply - blinking his eyes heavily. I remember about the first day, why did he want to introduce ourselves and hobbies? It is because Ms. Jolie was there? Jeez.

After a minutes of his lectures, the bell ranged and everyone get out. I take note something to study for later so he would be impressed and walks to the door but his sternly voice make my foot and body stopped.

"You should be a good student Kelly. Even so you had a great grades if you continue doing that actions at some teacher, they will expelled you." I looked at him and pinch his cheeks, "Uncle, my grades can highs up my standards tho," I chuckled.

"Your grades at calculus and biology isn't great, so don't expect anything to your grades." My eyes widened, " Really? Let me see," I ask looking at some paper but I didn't find any cards.

"You can't have your cards, Kelly. I am still your professor," I heavily sighed. " Like father - like daughter. Bye uncle, I'll hand your favorite food after I brought mine,"I wave my hands behind. Kzhea's father is really tough sometimes.

"Simon, what time is it now?" I nudges Simon's arm, " It's 9:40 o clock... You know what Kelly, you are much stupid lately." I rolled my eyes and sip his drink, he hasn't drink it yet.

"That's mine, brat!" He hissed as I rolled my eyes for responding and sat down next to him. He had a lot money to buy, however this juice can't be a problem, the line will.

"I feel like I'm going drowsy if Ms. Jolie will be my detention teacher," I sighed heavily and glance at him, his eyes widened in shock. He almost open his mouth to say something but I rolled my eyes and look straight to Kzhea's tray.

"Hey, what lunch do you have?"

"Oh, i like it," I responded my own question and grabbed the burger. I giggled when I saw her rolling her eyes over me holding the tray nonchalantly preventing not to punch me and let out a deep sighs and place the tray at the table. How cute.

The Unexpected Woman (•𝖣𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗎𝖾𝖽: 𝗀𝗑𝗀•)Where stories live. Discover now