Chapter One

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First In New Dimension

"Oh no" William breathed, when he saw bunch of phantoms flying towards him. He didn't think too much, and ran towards big stone wall where was a huge obsidian portal. It was filled with glowing purple substance. How could this big and awesome event turn out like this? No-one knew the answer to this question.

When he ran through the portal, he almost fell into a big lava lake.

William now stood face-to-face something he never saw before, he was in new dimension, the Nether.

He took step forward looking around. It looked so beautiful, like really beautiful, he never saw anything like this before. But soon he snapped out of his mind. In front of him was a big, white, flying octopus, in this moment he realised that, this place is not safe and sweet as it looks like.


Lexy was collecting some warped fungus, to protect her and her family from piglin brutes and hoglins. She found it kinda funny, that those strong, human like pigs are so afraid of such a small blue mushroom.

When she got enough of those small blue mushrooms, she decided to go back home. She needed to be careful and quiet, so she decided not to teleport, it would be dangerous and could get unwanted attention. She didn't wanted to risk her, or anyone else's life.

As Lexy walked slowly and quietly around big lava lake, she spotted something unfamiliar. A big obsidian construction with purple glowing substance inside. Lexy was always really curious girl and wanted to get closer to it. There was figure in front of it, at first she didn't know what was the figure looking at, but when she saw it, she froze with fear in her eyes. A Ghast, floating in the air.

She didn't have much time to think, so she did the first thing that her mind come out with. To teleport to that figure and teleport with them somewhere safe. It was a big risk, because it could get ghasts atention, but she couldn't risk innocent life, even if she never saw them before.

The ghast now saw the guy, she could't wait anymore, she had to do it now or never.

Lexy closed her eyes and teleported to the other side of lava lake, than she pulled the taller boy closer to her by his sleve, almost hugging him. Ghast was about to shoot them with fireball, like they always do, but Lexy was faster and teleported them to her house.

The house was empty, her whole family was still colecting more warped funguses.

"Hey!" The boy pushed her away, like he didn't care that she just saved him from his death.

He was tall and handsome, he had dark brown hair with almost black horns coming out of them, his eyes had slightly lighter color than his hair, and in the light of torches on the walls in the house, they seemed to be golden. He had formal clothes, white shirt with green tie and black trousers, he looked little bit messed up, like he was running for his life. Lexy was carefuly looking him up and down, and that got his attention.

"May I ask, what is your name?" He asked softly to break the silence in the room, but Lexy ignored it, still looking at him, not knowing if she can trust him or not.

"Uhh, what?" She asked little bit confused, that only proved that she didn't listen to him this whole time.

"Your name?" He said softly. He didn't want to fuck up again, like before, when he pushed her away, that wasn't really nice from him.

"Ou, sorry, my name is Lexy," she said bravely, still looking at him with curious face.

"What about you? Who are you, where did you came from and what was that purple thing you were standing in front of?" She questioned, leaning her head little bit to side and quietly waiting for his answer.

"My name is William, and I am propably from different dimension," He replied.

"So that purple thing is a portal? That's cool" Lexy said with exitement, wanting to know more about where William came from.

"I tought so too, but now i don't know what to think" He added, not knowing what else to say.

"Then why are you here?" Lexy asked putting funguses at table next to her.

"To be honest, I never wanted to be here, I just needed to escape," He muttered quietly, like he didn't want to hurt her feeling, even if he just met her.

"Escape? From what?" said Lexy with curious voice, looking into his eyes again.

Than she pointed at chair and motioned for him to sit down, to the table. She went to the kitchen and took something to drink, than she sat on the other side of table and gave him his drink.

"It may taste weird when you drink it for the first time," She added when he took a sip.

"Good to know," He laughed while putting his glass down.

"From what you were escaping?" Lexy asked one more time.

"It's kinda hard to explain. But there was event for opening the portal. It was really big event, everything was perfectly planed. My father was the one working on it. He was working really long time for it be so perfect." Wiliam started to explain, while Lexy was listening with curiosity.

"Everything was going as planed, but than, in the middle of event, when we lit the portal, things got out of hands. Phantomes appeared and with them more other monsters, like zombies and skeletons. We all needed to hide, but for me it was to late and I had no other choice, but to get trought that portal. And I ended up here." He continued.

"I would like to see how your world look like. Except the monsters part," Lexy added wondering how world, where Adalbert came from, look like.

"Well, you can if you want, but in the morning. Monsters are active during the night only," He replied.

"Morning? I'm sorry but, what is morning?" Lexy asked, because she never heard about such a thing like this.

"What do you mean,"What is morning" you don't have day and night cycle in here?" Williamt questioned.

"No, never heard of such a thing like what did you say," Lexy replied, wondering what he meant.

William than took his watch from his pocket, it started going crazy. Now he knew why she never heard of it, they simply don't have time in here.


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