Melt Into Me

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:) WARNING :) I went overboard with this one. It's just Stiles and Derek managing their high school relationship. Very long and just a bunch of cute nothings.


Stiles has anger issues. Or so people tell him. Of course, he doesn't think so he likes to think he was just passionate and tough. From time-to-time certain people just push his buttons, and he happens to push back. Nothing wrong, and he certainly doesn't think it's a problem.

Or at least he didn't until he went and got himself a boyfriend. One that just so happen to be kind and understanding and suddenly he feels like he could be a better person.

Derek was a junior. Just a year below Stiles, and probably one of the kindest people he'd ever met. He had a gentle heart, and patience beyond compare, especially when it came to Stiles. He calmed him down and leveled him out and sometimes made him forget why he was even upset in the first place. That's what makes the senior think perhaps he did have a way about him that catered to his angrier side.

They met at the beginning of the school year, just three weeks in.

Derek finds himself in a half empty room. The exception being the teacher supervising detention, and Stiles Stilinski. The senior had been picking at a notebook from the moment Derek saw him walk in, looking as though he'd rather be anywhere but there, reasonably so.

They hadn't crossed paths too many times. A few times they shared classes, he loaned Derek a pen once but that was the extent of it. Stiles had become somewhat popular over the years. When Derek was a freshman and first seen him as a sophomore, he'd been skinny and benched for most of his lacrosse games. But sometime between then and now he managed to pack on the muscle and work up the ranks of the school's lacrosse team.

Derek smiles when he looks up from his daydream and realizes Stiles had been staring. There's a lope sided grin in return before he's shuffling back around in his seat again.

Suddenly the supervising teacher was to his feet "I'll be back, I believe I can trust you two to stay put?" Stiles, unlike Derek, knew that was code for "Going to nap in the teachers' lounge" seeing as though he was no stranger to detention. Stiles nodded as his answer until the teacher slipped out and it was only the two of them.

The door couldn't creek completely closed before Stiles had turned in his chair. There was a deep smile on his face as he fixed his chestnut eyes on Derek "I didn't know boy scouts got detention" he joked, playfulness dripping with every word. Derek let himself chuckle, and blush not particularly caring that he was seen as a goody two shoes.

"Take a good hard look kids, this is what a past due library book will get you" he managed to joke back.


"No Stiles, not seriously" his mouth was in an "oh" shape as he moved to a seat closer to the kid. Stiles abandoned his things by his designated desk before weaving through others only to land in the seat just diagonal from Derek's own. They were both able to respectfully get better looks at each other, neither of them complaining "I was on my phone in class" Derek admitted.

"Somehow I preferred the overdue book" they both laughed, Derek liking the way Stiles' eyes lit up and Stiles reveling in the thought that Derek's smile was heart wrenching "You know my name" Stiles stated after he regained his composure.

"You're one part of the school's big lacrosse trio. Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski. It's hard to not know it" Derek rattled off. Stiles shrugged not finding any room for error or underlying reason why Derek would know who he is. Silence began to settle again, and it made Derek uneasy, he tapped his pencils against his desk a few times before he spoke, needing the relief of some sound while Stiles was so close to him "Why are you here?"

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