Chapter 8 - The Realization

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The kiss was deep, in a very platonic way. It was nice though, nice to be shown mutual affection.

Not that I knew the guy very well, not at all really but he seems like a nice guy. He was gay, and made no big deal out of it; just a casual topic, like the weather.

That's how it should be, not "are you sure?" "you're not gay" or the infamous  "I'm going to turn you straight"

Chris' arm was still around my shoulder, I didn't mind; this is what I needed a genuine friend. "So, do you want to tell me about you're 'friend'?"

I sigh before doing a 360 scan, he was nowhere in sight, good. "I don't know, it's so confusing for me, somedays he's great and understanding and then others he's just so stupid."

"Care to expand on that?"

"I got drunk one time-"

Chris cuts me off with a hearty laugh. "That's hard to believe."

I roll my eyes. "I got drunk, really drunk, and it accidentally slipped that I'm gay so he decided to make this grand scheme to turn me straight. I don't know why I agreed to it in the first place. Somewhere along the line I decided to turn him gay and now I'm here with all these...feelings."

He was silent for a long while, then all "Oh wow."

I sigh, he summed it up pretty well. "Yeah."

"You deserve this." Chris hands me a full beer from out of nowhere, or maybe I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings.

I take it gladly and after a long chug I wipe my mouth on my sleeve like an idiot. "Thanks."

"No problem."


We watch the bands come and go after that, Chris was due on stage in about an hour.

Soon the sun was setting; painting the sky every shade of pink. It's been years since I've watched the sunset and it's just as great as I remember.

"You know what-..." Chris starts off in confident, it fizzled away quickly. "I never got your name."

I didn't realize I didn't give my name. "It's Noah."

"I like that." Chris smiles. "But you know what, Noah?"

I hold back a chuckle. "What?"

"Sexuality isn't as simple as trying to 'turn someone' it's a natural and fluid thing. But I really think that your 'friend' has a big fat gay crush on you. And he's in a wallowing pit of denial and is taking all of that out on you; he probably thinks if you're not gay then he's not gay."

"Oh sh*t..." My mind stops, and it feels like my heart did too.

It couldn't be true? Right?

Sure he's kissed me on more than one occasion and took me on 'dates' and-

Oh sh*t x2

He freaking loved me and I freaking loved him back.

"You okay there?" Chris asks. "You really had no idea did you?" I shake my head slowly. "If I were you I'd go find him, help him through this."

I found my voice again, but it was weak and croaky. "You think that'd help?"

"I guarantee it." Chris smiles sadly. "If only I had someone to talk to, my life would've turned out completely different."

"Really? How?"

He breathes in deeply through his nose and rolls his shoulders back. Whatever happened must've been pretty heavy. "Short story: drugs, lots and lots of drugs. I got into trouble with law too. Eventually I was escorted into rehab handcuffed with three cops."

I was a little taken aback. Chris just seemed so nice and together. I must've made a face too because the man beside me laughs gently.

"Don't worry, I'm clean and completely harmless and have been for over a year. But you know the best part out of all that sh*t?"


"I met my boyfriend in rehab, he was one of the volunteers there. Yet even after all the bad decisions I've made I still wouldn't change a thing, because if I did I wouldn't of met the love of life." Chris' expression turns all love struck. It was really cute.

"Is he going to be okay about the kiss? I'm really sorry you had to do that, I really don't intend on ruining another relationship..."

"It's alright Noah. You didn't fall for me, right?"


Chris pulls me up and places a hand on my shoulder. "Then everything is going to be just fine. Now go and find your friend!"

"Thank you, for everything. I promise to watch your performance later." I say, watching Chris get more and more impatient with me with every word. "Later."

I finally walk away and begin my task of locating my best friend. By this point I was sobering up and thoughts were clearing.

I take a long deep breath of the fresh air and think. Alright, where could he be? The field was packed with students and party crashers and it was definitely too loud to call out for him.   

Oh, Yes! That's it, I'll call him.

I reach into my pocket and grab my phone. I dial his number quickly without any thought, hopefully walking to a quieter spot.

The phone was pressed flat against my ear yet I could only barely pick up the dial tone. It was ringing for so long I just about gave up then and there, but he did pick up and from the tone of his voice I could immediately tell that he was very upset, and a little bit angry.

But I guess that was mostly my fault. 


"Hey, where are you?" By now I was just turning the corner to the front of the school. There was a good amount of people around but the noise was definitely more manageable.


"I really need to talk to you...and I'm sorry, for everything...well almost. We've both done stupid things to each other."

There was a loud rustling then a long pause. I could hear him sigh heavily. "Meet me in the parking lot in 5 minutes." Before I could even get a sound out to reply, the call was already disconnected.

At least I have good feeling about this.

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