Illuminated ones

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Main characters-

Sky,an ordinary girl,she likes to draw. She was very shy at her school, she stopped going after it was too dangerous.Everyone she is related to has been taken,except her brother,Aidan.

Aidan,unlike Sky is very loud and a leader figure.Well he isn't just a leader role he is the leader of their small community.


Aidan rushed out his tattered,torn bed.he ran out his room as he heard Sky screaming his name

"Jack! Jacks been taken!"screamed Sky as she fell to the floor pouring her eyes out.

On the floor there was a note saying

"Jack has been taken for testing. He has a power,and so do you. If you give yourself up you will be safe and fed then minor surgery will be taken place on you."

This entire letter is false the surgery that takes place is not minor,you would not be safe or even fed if you give yourself up. Giving yourself up is literally suicide.

Jack was an innocent boy but alike everyone else he is an illuminated one,he had a power.

Not all people of the illuminated ones know their power.

But the government do. The government try and take these powers from them to make the most perfect and indestructible army.

But in the long run,the person being tested dies.

No one has ever survived the testing its nearly impossible to survive.

In the testing, gallon after gallon of your blood is sucked out of your lifeless body then your brain is chopped at as they try and find anything 'different' or 'abnormal'.

So unfortunately for Jack,he's already dead.

The reason why none of these people say is Because if they go on the news,

The government would know ,if they report it to the police the government would know and if they make the slightest move in the nearest direction of telling anyone or anything the government would find them,and kill them.

They lived In a giant abandoned warehouse.they have lived here for years.

It was perfect,the storage room had enough canned food for 1000 years.

There was enough room to build a mini empire,which they have.

Aidan walked over to Sky and encouraged her saying

"This is the last time we let the government push us down and take our own people!We will train our powers!We will become powerful and we will destroy project I.O.E.P!"roared Aidan as a large crowd cheered him on.

"Everyone, today we will be finding out our true power!"roared Sky in unison with Aidan,her twin.

Aidan had the power of regeneration.

He can never die as soon as he dies he instantly regenerates.

Sky on the other hand can turn her drawings into animate objects.

"Punch,punch!punch!"ordered Aidan as he was training Peeta-a small boy yet he was very powerful.

Peeta could steal others strength.

It is the most powerful power the illuminated ones have ever seen!

After half an hour training,Peeta and Aidan invited him to a search party-they do this every month looking for other children who may have powers like the illuminated ones.

"Aidan, I don't get it..."sighed Peeta "why do they only take one person?"

"What do you mean?"asked Aidan sympathetically

"The government know where we are but they don't raid us and take us all."Aidan said thinking hard

"They might not have enough room or something."Aidan tried at an answer but it was true it didn't make any sense.

The kids just go around whenever but are never taken with their parents.

The logical thing to do is to take them when they take the parents but why not...

"I just think something isn't right."Peeta said anxiously

"They have a plan...I know it,and we need to find it out before they complete their plan."

"Don't worry about it we can have a meeting tomorrow and we will sort everything out then ok?"smiled Aidan.

The two went back to their rooms and got ready for the search party.

10 minutes later the two boys where waiting at the entrance of the warehouse for Sky and Jessie.

"You two ready?"cheered Sky as they walked out of the warehouse and up the road.

They walked up to the town and it was completely silent.

"It feels too eerie,normally this road is full of cars but it's absolutely silent..."

Jessie said as she searched for any signs of life,looking through the window.

"I don't know what's happened...Maybe there's a good show on the TV"joked Aidan as if he was spooked out either

Suddenly bright lights shone in front of them as a military rover drove towards them.

"Run!"screamed Peeta as he ran down an alley way

Aidan ran down the same alley way it was a dead end...

They both jumped over a fence running through a back garden.

"Surrender or you will be shot down!"screamed a man with a loud speaker.

"Run back to the warehouse!"cried Jessie

Jessie's power was being able to teleport.

She teleported over to the car and slashed one of the cars wheels with a piece of shattered glass she found on the floor.

They all started running back home.

As bullets where fired over their heads

BANG BANG BANG echoed throughout the town.

Peeta paused .

He looked down at his stomach as a gaping bullet wound opened up on his stomach.

"Aidan."he croaked as he fell to the ground.

Aidan ran up to him as he tried and tried to heal him but it just wouldn't work.

"Don't die one me!"he cried as Peeta took his last breath...

Authors Note: First chapter of this book hope you enjoyed it this was wrote by Kian and edited by Fiona this is our first book together but both our second book we have wrote individually on our own separate accounts. Please vote and comment what you think is going to happen next!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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