Prologue: Elinor's Mother

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked the clock. It was 2 am.

"Elias? Can you come to the hospital? It's time" she said.
I jumped out of bed so fast. I threw on a t-shirt and kept my sweatpants that I was wearing when I went to bed, on.

My situation wasn't the most ideal. My mother was abusive. I didn't want that around my baby, so Amber, my girlfriend, and I have compromised. When I want to see my baby I can go over to Amber's house. That way, we are all safe from my horrible mother.

When we had the chance to find out the gender of the baby, we decided to keep it a surprise. So, we call it "baby."

I snuck down the stairs as quietly as possible as to not wake the witch. Once I reached the front door, I opened it very slowly and hoped that the old worn wood didn't creak.

Once outside, I shut the door and ran to my beat up car that was parked down the street so my mother didn't see it. Once in the car, I started it and took off towards the only hospital in our small town.

I drove so fast, but I didn't care. I wanted to do one thing right in my life. And if that meant being a good father and being there when my baby is born, then so be it.

Once I reached the hospital, I ran in through the front doors, getting weird looks from the people in the waiting room and the employees.

"I need to know what room Amber Roux is in!" I said urgently.

The lady sitting at the desk eyed me wearily and slowly asked, "what are you to Amber?"

I hurriedly replied with, "I'm Amber's boyfriend and the baby's father."

"Room 211" the lady said.

I ran to the elevator and clicked the up button once inside.

When I got to the correct floor, I ran again to find room 211. Once I found it I went in.

What I wasn't expecting when I walked in was to see her parents. They had disowned her when they learned that she was pregnant at 16. Not only that, they didn't really like me.

They seemed to be in some sort of heated argument when I walked in.

"Eli, please don't let them take our baby away!" Amber cried to me.

I was confused. They were going to take our baby away? I knew these people were evil, but I didn't think they were this evil.

"Amber, please. You are too young to be a mother. For goodness sake! You are only 16! It's best if you give up the baby. That way you can still continue with school and have a good future!" Her father yelled.

This only made Amber cry harder. I was also distraught. It wasn't ideal to have a baby at 16, but I made this a positive thing. I was terrified yes, but I knew we would get through it together.

Before anyone had the chance to reply to Amber's father, Amber started having contractions. It felt like time was going by so fast. The next thing I knew, there was a doctor in the room asking Amber who she would like to stay.

Amber told the doctor that she wanted only me in the room. I was happy about that. I was grateful that she wanted me to be in the room with her to watch my baby be born.

A few hours had passed, and Amber had passed out. I was scared. The doctor had said that she possibly wouldn't make it, but the baby would be fine. I didn't want to think about doing this alone. I wasn't ready.

A couple more hours later, and the baby was finally born, but Amber wasn't waking up. They took the baby to get cleaned and ushered me out of the room so they could try to figure out what is happening with Amber.

I looked around the hallway and her parents were no where in sight. I guess they gave up trying to get rid of the baby.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion. It felt like hours before the doctor came out and told me that Amber was dead. I felt empty inside at that news. Amber was my one source of happiness. And now, she was gone.

"Mr. Sterling, the baby is fine if you want to come and see her."

Her. It was a girl. My baby girl. I remembered back to a couple months ago went Amber and I were trying to pick names. For a girl, she had like the name Elinor, I had liked the name Jane.

"The Roux's want nothing to do with the baby and wish to give her up for adoption, but it's your choice since you are the father." The doctor told me.

I felt relieved. I knew what I had to do. I wouldn't let Amber's evil parents take away my baby.

"I'll take her. I'm not letting her be adopted or put in the system. I'm her father."

She had to stay in the hospital for a few days, which gave me time to think and cope. I hoped that once my mother saw her, she would be nicer. Many of my friends at school said that their grandparents had mellowed out and were nicer once their grandkids were born.

I had gone home and made sure I had everything ready for my baby. I had decided on her name. Elinor Jane Sterling. It seemed fitting. And I wanted to name her the name that Amber had wanted. I remember Amber fighting with me over that name.

The days had passed, and I was able to take Elinor home with me. I shielded her, ready for attack as soon as I opened the door. It was right of me to do that, because as soon as I opened the door, something was flying at my head.

I paused when I saw my mom's expression. She looked surprised.

"What the hell is that in your hands?!" She yelled in the most hateful voice I have ever heard. I felt the need to protect my child. It was like instinct.

At the witch's loud voice, Elinor began to cry. I rocked her back and forth to try to calm her so that my mother didn't try to hurt her.

"Give it here. I'll help you." My mother said in a calm voice. It was a new tone I hadn't heard since I lived with my father and brother's.

I looked at her wearily. She sighed and said "I'm not going to hurt it. It's my grand baby after all. I wouldn't hurt my blood."

My blood boiled at that. How could she say that after all of the pain she's put me through? I didn't give Elinor to my mother, instead I replied with, "1) SHE has a name. It's Elinor. And 2) I don't trust you. You have done nothing but cause me pain."

My mother started crying.
"You're the first Sterling to have a girl in generations." She whispered.

I was shocked that she didn't try to do anything to me for talking back to her. Either way, I knew that my mother wouldn't change overnight for me simply bringing home my daughter. And I vowed to protect Elinor with my life.

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