Goodbye-Chapter 7

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Hey diary it's Max I just woke up to find Ellie in my arms then we hear someone knocking on the door.I stand up while El is still asleep and answer the door.There is about 20 men with guns in black suits when the one in front,the only one without a gun asks me "where is Eleven,she has some work to do" "Who the hell is Eleven there's no eleven here." I say mad because he was looking for someone who wasn't here and made me get up from my girlfriend."where is Jane" he says "Jane oh yea she's here but who is eleven?" I ask not letting them in yet "eleven is janes real name" he says "haha very funny eleven is a number" I say but he pushes through me and searches the house finding El."what the fuck dude leave her alone" I say as he picks her up she is squirming around and then sees me and starts to sob "papa can I please speak to her for just a second" she says in between sobs "Sure eleven" he says setting her down.She's takes my hands in hers and begins to speak "my real name is eleven and I came from a lab,I have to go back for some reasons,I love you Maxy but I'll be back soon but I won't be the same,my hair will be gone and I'll be different..""different how?" I ask tears in my eyes "I will be a superhero,I'll have powers" she says kissing me and then sobbing in my arms."Ellie I will always love you,I'll tell hop what happened and I'll wait her everyday for you I love you so much and when your hairs gone you will still be hotter that phoebe cates" I say sobbing.I feel and her smile and I hug her one last time before she leaves.

(Sorry for such a short chapter)

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