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"Alright brothers and sisters, that concludes our new partners class

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"Alright brothers and sisters, that concludes our new partners class. Congratulations, you all are now members of Tabernacle!" Deaconess White began applauding all of the new members as well as the people who were already members of the church—who had just been dismissed from Bible Study.

"Oh, and there goes one of our Pastor's. Pastor Darius Carson." Deaconess White introduced Darius before he made himself visible to everyone including Samyra whose eyes never left him until she got a text message.

"Good evening, everybody. I'm very honored to be y'all's Pastor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I got a lotta' time on me." Darius chuckled and one of the women apart of the New Members Class began laughing hysterically, causing everyone in the room to give her odd glares.

"Anyways," Darius cleared his throat before looking at Samyra who still had her head buried in her phone and rapidly bounced her leg up and down with a face full of anxiety. She made him lose his train of thought.

"Uhhh. Y'all have a nice night." He said and everyone rose from their seats to leave while Darius made his way through the crowd to see Samyra. She began walking in the other direction, not looking up from her phone, making him chase her down.

"Pastor," The woman that was hysterically laughing stood in his way. "Hi." He looked down at the short woman. "Hi, i'm Chanel." She held her hand out for him to shake and he took her hand in his. "It's nice to meet you, Chanel." Darius looked away from her to find Samyra, but Chanel kept deadly eye contact. "I'm Pastor Darius. I'll talk to you later." He finally fled away through the much clearer crowd now.

He hit the corner of the restroom, finally meeting Samyra. "You needa' look up." He placed his index finger under her chin, titling her head up. "It's bad for your neck." He muttered, looking at the frown on Samyra's face. "What's wrong?" He frowned.

She glanced at her phone then looked back up at him. "Nothing." She said, placing her phone in her crossbody purse. "I wish I could stay and talk, but I gotta' go." She mumbled, zipping her purse back up.

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