Chapter 7

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(Sasuke's POV)
      I slowly wake up and look around to see that I wasn't in my normal room. Then a small groaning noise comes from on my chest and I look down to see it was Naruto asleep on my chest. I blush and start to play with Naruto's hair. His hair was so soft and seeing his whiskers made fall in love with all over again.
      Bother Naruto and I got up and quickly rushed to where the noise was and saw that Menma was standing on a stool with a broken glass bowl in front of him and he looked sacred.
      "I-I-I'm sorry mom...I-I wanted to m-m-make something f-f-for you a-a-and dad." he said in a shaky voice with tear forming in his eyes.
      Naruto sighed and cleaned up the mess with my help. After we were done I picked Menma up and took him out of the kitchen as Naruto fixed breakfast. 
      Once I set him down in the chair my phone started to ring. I picked it up and saw that I had 200 missed calls from my mother and 300 texts from her. Letting out a sigh I turn my phone off and sit down next to Menma.
      "Yes Menma??"
      "I-I really didn't mean to wake you and mama up..."
      I smile and ruffle his hair, got this little kid was as cute as Naruto that you couldn't stay mad at him forever. Must be how he got away for breaking the bowl.
      "Hey it's okay...I know you just wanted to do something nice for us...but there are something you need help with...okay??"
      Naruto then walks in with the breakfast and we all start to eat. I take a bite of mine and then look at Naruto which he looked back at me with a questionable look.
      "Is something wrong with your food??"
      " just never thought your cooking would be cooking of a five start chief."
      Naruto blushes at this and says that i was just being nice which I rolled my eyes to.
      "Naruto...I have had chief's from all over the world that where five stars and your cooking it good as their's...better even."
      I smile at this and finish eatting. After we were all done Naruto and I got the table cleaned up with Menma's help. Once the table was cleaned off Menma went to his room, came back out with cloths on and was walking out the front door until Naruto stopped him.
      "Menma where are you going??"
      "I was going to hang out with Gaara, Lee and Metal...they said that I could hang out with their son for my birthday...y-you didn't forget...did you??"
      Naruto blinks before giving him a small smile but i knew he did from that...and I think Menma did too.
      "N-No I didn't...not at all...but you can and when you come back we will have a big party...okay??"
      "Okay mom..."
      He then walks out of the house with a sad look on his face and Naruto turned to me with tears in his eyes.
      "H-How could I have forgotten my baby's birthday??"
      I walk over to him and pull him in for a hug as I stroke his hair.
      "It's going to be okay...we can start getting ready for the party-"
      "But how are we going to get it done in the small amount of time??"
      I picks my phone up and call the only two girl that I could think of that could help us.

(Time skip to when the two girls arrive that Sasuke was talking about :D)

      "So're saying that Naruto forgot his own son's birthday!?!?!" Sakura said with her voice getting a bit louder.
      "Sakura with Sasuke coming home and what happened last night with Sasuke's mother...don't you think Naruto is under stress??" Hinata said putting her hand on Sakura's shoulder.
      Sakura sighs and nods agreeing with her.
      "You're right...I'm sorry Naruto...and we will help you plan this party out for your son...okay??"
      "Thank you Sakura!!" Naruto said with a smile that was so much brighter then the sun
      "Also my son will be here for Menma~~" Sakura said as she and Hinata walked away to get what they needed for the party.
      And Naruto looked like he had mother protective mode on. This was going to be a long day.

(Menma's POV)
      After 20 minutes of trying to find Gaara, Lee and Metal I finally found them and we where having a good time until I LITERALLY ran into crush. I turn a bit red and get back up on my two feet.
      "S-S-S-Saku...I didn't s-s-see you there..."
      "It's fine Menma...hey isn't today your birthday??"
      He smiles and gives me a small red bracelet that had the Uchiha different eyes. I look back up at him to see he was smiling at me. 
      "For a pretty boy like you Menma." he said sweetly before walking away.
      "Menma?? Was there your crush~~?" Metal asked me and I turned even redder.
      "Metal shut up!!! God you're more like your mom then your dad...even though you look like your dad.."
      He laughed and ran around a bit more and Metal bumped into someone and I looked at him to see he has blond and black my parents.
      "Who are you!!!" I asked raising my voice.
      Gaara and Lee where behind me ready to attack to see if they need to fight. The boy turns to look at me and he stood there for a good minute before walking up to me. Lee got in the way and the boy stopped. 
      "I'm not going to hurt him...I was going to ask if he knew a Menma Uchiha Uzamaki...and his parents."
      I step out from behind Lee and look at the boy.
      "I am he...what do you want me for??"
      "I came here to find a family...for I was created and ran from where I was.."
      I blink but asked Lee and Gaara is they could stand down a bit until we got back to my mother and father. They did but didn't let there guard down. The boy came with us and we started walking back to the house.
      "So what is your name??"
      "My name is Kawaki."
      "Well it's nice to meet you Kawaki...and I'm sure you will like my mother and father...I'm sure they will take you in!!!"
      "I hope so..."
      We walking and everyone jumps out and yells surprise. I was shocked and amazed that everyone of mom's friends and their kids where there. But once they saw Kawaki they stopped smiling. Gaara came in and explained everything. Mom and dad took Kawaki to the kitchen and talked for a bit as I opened a few of my presents. Once I was done everyone was allowed to talk for a bit until mom and dad came back into the living room. I walk around and run into Saku again.
      "I-I'm sorry..."
      "I swear you like running into me sometimes. And who was the hot guy that came here with you?" he asked in a way he never used before.
      I felt a bit sad but I smiled.
      "His name is Kawaki...and he might end up being my big brother."
      I smile and walk away and felt like crying. My crush...was going to date Kawaki...and not me. I let out a sigh and knew that I could always find someone else. I trip over something and closed my eyes thinking I was going to hit the floor. Only I didn't and I open my eyes to see that Haru caught me and he was a bit red in the face.
      "Y-You okay Menma??"
      He helped me back up and mom and dad came in with Kawaki. They said that they were going to adopt him and Saku walked up to him. They started to talk and Saku started to flirt with him.
      "M-Menma are you okay??"
      "Yeah I'm fine Haru...I should have known he didn't like me like that...I mean he's at least three years younger then I have you that likes me anyways." I said walking away causing him to question what I said.
      I sat the the table and my mom brought the cake out and everyone sung happy birthday to me. I blew out the candles as everyone clapped. I smile and was so happy to have peopel that cared about me.

(Sorry that this chapter was a bit of a mess...and if that's not hoe Kawaki comes into Naruto's life then I'm sorry but I did the best that I could since I don't have a way to watch any anime shows) 

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