Put Em Up

56 2 18


It's been two weeks since the events of my very last mission for the Red Room.Though I have gotten along with Steve and Sam, along with all the others very well. I can't say the same for Bucky not only has my dislike for him grown but so has his for me and him and everyone can feel it. To keep it short and sweet we have a mutual hatred for each other that no one can cure, and trust me everyone has tried.

From Steve sending us out to pick up food for the team, to Natasha literally locking us in the elevator together. Nothing seems to work, every time I think I'm close to getting along with him he says another bitchy thing that makes my haters grow. Along with his nonstop comments about accusing me of wanting to sleep with Steve.

Steve and I have gotten pretty close over the last 2 weeks. I found myself in his room more often than not whether it was doing paper work together or just enjoying each other's company we tend to spend a lot of time together over the past two weeks, and I learn more about him and his time with the serum, and his life before it.

It was another normal day of sitting in the living room area with Natasha, Sam, Wanda, and Vision. As I'm sitting on the couch finishing up some of the wavers I'm required to sign to become an official avenger I feel something soft rubbing against my ankle, along with a scream coming from Sam.

I look down to see alpine at my feet. I meant her last week while making breakfast for the team I guess she must have gotten out of her room or something but when I found out she was Bucky's I was shocked. Who knew a bitch would own something so sweet.

I quickly picked her up and set her in my lap while stroking her soft coat, along with finishing up the final page of paperwork.

"ANOUNCING THE NEWEST AVENGER, ANASTASIA" Steve yells popping up from behind me.

"steve I think you just broke the sound barrier" Nat says holding her hands over her ears.

"Actually according to my calculations-" Visions starts to state before he is cut off by Sam.

"Vis it was a joke"

"no, actually it was a fact" Nat adds.

"Thanks, Steve" I said turning to look at him.

"anytime Ana" Steve says with a big toothy grin plastered all over his face.

"Ya know Alpine seems to like you better than any of us" Wanda speaks up.

"I mean who wouldn't" I say puffing my chest up, earning a pillow straight to the face from Nat. Also Causing alpine to jump from my lap, and Sam to go running to the other side of the room.

"That was uncalled for" I say faking a hurt expression.

"Was it?" She says raising a brow with a smirk.

"I bet bucky hates it that Alpine loves you" Sam says from his spot on top of the coffee table.

"yeah well he hates me, so no biggy" I say with a growing smirk. As soon as I say this I can see everyone's eyes drifting to something in the doorway of the room. I turn around and just my luck it's James Buchanan Barnes. I saw a file with his full name on it the other day and I haven't let it go since. He hates it and lets me know that, but that's exactly what fuels my actions.

"what's up Buchanan"

"I hate you"

"Right back at you pal" I say saluting him in the process. earning an exaggerated eye roll from Barnes.

"Steve do you want to go train" bucky says

"sure thing buck, anyone else is welcome the training area is public after all" he says with a slight chuckle towards his own joke.

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