「 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 」

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after walking for a while, the white wolf (the lady) lifted me into her arms making me squeal. she chuckled at my reaction and we kept walking. soon, we arrived at a house and i figured that we were at the back of the house, seeing the back door and a pool.

i looked back at the forest and sighed.

"something's brother you." the other woman said.

"getting back home." i murmured.

"we'll look at your bruises, treat them then you can go back home instantly."

i smiled and thanked them.

they nodded and entered the house. we soon settled in the living room and the silver hair lady went to get the first-aid kit - as i was told.

"what are your names?" i asked.

"im danielle and the other one is madison." i nodded.

"im emily."

"emily," she said softly. the way my name ran off of her tongue had me wanting her to say it again.

madison came back and opened the first aid kit.

"can i lift your shirt?"

"yeah, but not too high. im not wearing a bra." i said embarrassingly.

madison laughs but nonetheless nodded. danielle left and madison told me that she was going to get something for us to eat. i didn't mind. madison lifted my shirt and her eyes raked over my skin.

i know it looks pretty bad but it is what it is. nothing can be done to change that.

i was about to pull my shirt down but she beats me to it and rubbed an ointment on the bruise that was on my stomach. she smoothed out the ointment and then rubbed the gashes with another cream. it stung but it was bearable.

there were some other bruises that weren't healed as yet and she was also cleaning those.

i was grateful for this to be honest.

i relaxed and looked up at the ceiling. a huge chandelier was not too far in the ceiling away from the couch. it shone gold as it shimmered in the light.

madison told me to sit up and i did so.

"hold up the shirt so i can clean the others around the back." she instructed.

"you don't have to."

"i insist."

"very well."

my back was the worse. it's where step-mom would hit me with the leather belt or sometimes even the iron cord. it'd sore my back for days and days on end, causing me pain. i couldn't see to know if it was infected or not but it was getting there slowly.

"what caused this?" madison's fingers ran over the scars on my back. i tried to feel which she was talking but had no clue.

"oh, uhh," i paused, "just some injuries i got playing sports."

lies. i wasn't even athletic.

"what kind of sport leaves you with these kind of scars and marks?"

i felt a sting on my back and i yelped.

"my bad." madison quickly apologized.

"mm, it's okay."

"you still didn't answer my question tho."

as i was about to say something, danielle entered the living room and madison stood up.

thank you, jesus!

"all done."

i thanked her and turned to look at danielle, dropping my shirt.

"i hope you eat peanut butter?" she asks and passed a plate to me with bread and peanut butter.

"yes i do. thank you."

i am a well-mannered child and it's going to stay like that.

"no need to thank me." danielle bowed dramatically and i giggled.

i felt safe around these two... women and all my worries were going away. i know that it was just for a night, but still. i was okay. away from home.

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