"Quinn!" a girl's voice yelled, shaking me awake. I groaned, rolling over the other way. I soon felt the blankets being yanked off of me and I groaned once again. 

I opened my eyes and saw Hermione looming over me. She was yelling at me to get up and I reluctantly did. I sat up, letting my legs hang off the side of the bed. My hair was messy, and my shorts were twisted from me moving in my sleep. My oversized hoodie covered my shorts though. I fixed my shorts and got up, going into the common room. 

The common room smelt of a warm smell, cinnamon and cardamon too be exact. With a hint of mothball and a huge scent of wood. I loved the smell of wood though. I followed Hermione out of the common room, and into the hallway. 

"Mione, I'm only in shorts and a sweatshirt" I mumbled, because other students were looking at me. Just after I finished my sentence, she yanked me into a room and waved her wand around saying a spell I've never heard. 

"It's a silencing spell. It makes it so no one can hear us" she explained, probably after seeing the confusion written on my face. Why did she need a silencing spell?? Is she going to tell me a secret? Are her and Ron finally together?? Did she kill Draco? What?! What?! The silence is killing me!! 

"Dumbledore told me not to tell you this but I feel like you need to prepare yourself, we are making an army. Called the Order of the Pheonix...It's to prevent...him... from conquering the world, and another thing..you know how we've all been keeping you from seeing the Daily Prophet..." Hermione said, finishing of quite skeptically. I nodded, telling her to continue.

"Well, see for yourself" she said, handing me a paper. I've been wondering why they've been keeping this from me, but I expected it to be important since they were. I unfolded the paper and looked down at it. 


                                         The Daily Prophet

                                                                                             Escape from Azkaban!!

Sirius Black, escaped from Azkaban! If you see him report it to the Ministry of Magic right away. "Sirius Black is a dangerous man; we would like to get him back to Azkaban as soon as possible." The head of Ministry says. 


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"What the bloody hell?" I said, backing away. I threw the paper on the ground and slammed the door open. I started crying, running to the astronomy tower. I could hear Hermione calling my name but then stop, probably giving up. 

"Hey little cousin! Dork, what's wrong?" Draco said, actually sounding worried for once in his life. He grabbed my shoulder, but I brushed him off and ran up the stairs to the top of the tower. I could hear footsteps behind me, assuming it was Draco. 

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