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Yn POV~~~~~~ /P.S Class 1hr 30min and you have one 5 classes/
The bell had rung for class for lunch. So I went to the cafeteria could go get lunch I grabbed my lunch and went to detention when I got there Deku was already there. I went to find a seat far away from him. Where I was seating I took out my laptop and started doing some homework since I have to catch up.
~This is my dumb ass fault for deciding to join in the middle of the year~
I could sense that someone was beside me so I lift my head from my screen
Midoriya: What are you doing?
Yn: What does look like I am doing (glare)
Modoriy : (Closed my laptop and put it on the highest shelf right next to us)
Yn: (standing up) What the fuck are you doing give me my laptop
Midoriya: (he pushes me back into my seat)
Yn: Have you lost all of your damn mind!!! (Standing up)
Midorya: (pushes down into my seat and put his hands on my thigh)
Midoriya: I have an offer for you (he said rubbing his thumbs on my thighs)
Yn: N-
Midoriya: and before you say no hear me out ight
I thought about it for a while and I nodded when I was ready
Deku: first of all call me Deku and second I need you to pretend to be my you 1 year
Yn: Why in the hell would I do that??
Deku: Each month I will pay you 200,000 If you agree to the offer
You looked at him in disbelief
~Why in the hell would ask me of all people to do with WE DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER OF CRYING OUT LOUD and how in the hell did he get this money?~
Yn: Besides the money, Why are u asking me?
Deku: My parents are trying to put me in an arranged marriage. You seem like the type to help out a friend
Yn: (He looked like he really wanted help with this and I could use the money for mom's medical bill) Fine but I have a few rules
Deku: Alright let me hear them (leaning against the wall)
Yn: 1stof all I don't want all that touch shit ight
Deku: Ohh that is a problem in order to convince everybody that we are "Dating"
Yn: Oh yea shit( I said under my breath)
Deku: Do you have anything else?
Yn: How close are you house to Saint Francis Memorial Hospital
Deku: Why??[Looked confused]
Yn: How close??
Deku: 1 mile away (looking confused)
Y/n: Good can I stay at your place for a while??
Deku: I mean I am offering this weird deal the least I could do is help out I guess.
~ I wonder if she is good~
Yn: [I sighed in relief] Thank you
At that moment we looked into each other eyes after a few minutes of silence
~you know I never actional noticed how pretty his eye are~
and the bell hand range snapping me out of my thoughts.
Deku: you ready (grabbing my hand)
Y/n: probably not
you both head to yall next class turnes out all yall class are the same