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August 4, 1985  

Faye's POV

You have been in the system for about a year and a half now and you have been to at-least 10 homes within that time. You were told that a family from Hawkins Indiana wanted to meet you and possibly adopt you today. They actually thought you were actually gonna be happy to hear that, but the truth is you weren't. You just wanted to see your mom and brother. You asked if you could call your brother, they said yes. I mean they had to, they couldn't refuse you either way. You called him and he answered with a "Hello?" you then answered with "Hi Ethan, it's Faye" "Faye, it's so nice to hear from you, is everything alright?" he asked "Yeah i'm alright, a family want's to meet me or adopt me surprisingly. How's it going overseas?" you said

"It's definitely going. I though you would be more happy or exited when a family comes to see you. Where is this family from again and when are they coming?" he asked "I mean I guess i'm happy about it, it's just I don't want to lose you or not see you when you come back and they are from Hawkins Indiana were Eddie is from, so that's something I guess. They are coming today I just don't know when." you said kinda sad about it except the Eddie part cause he was your cousin. "If they adopt you and when you see him say 'hi' for me will ya?" he asked even though he knew I would "Yeah, of course anytime and i'll give you their phone number so you can call anytime if you want. Okay? And that's only if I do get adopted." you said reassuring him that it hasn't happened yet "Alright, I have got to go. Duty calls, bye Faye love ya." he said "Alright I'll call you tonight to let you know, bye Ethan love you too." after you said that you hung up and went to your room

Time-skip to when they arrived 

They arrived at exactly at 2:00. You were listening to The Wall by Pink Floyd on your walk-man and reading The Outsiders. A lady walked up to you and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around putting a bookmark in the spot you stopped at, paused the song then removed your headphones. "The family is here to see you Faye." after she said that you got up to go see if you looked presentable. You walked into the bathroom to look in the mirror. You were wearing black ripped jeans and an over-sized Queen t-shirt with a messy bun in. 'Not bad, it'll do' you thought to yourself as you looked in the mirror. You walked to were the family was, you saw a woman and a man with two girls and a boy. You sat down in-front of them next to the lady that came to get you before. "Faye these are the Wheeler's" the lady said "Um...hi" you said awkwardly as you waved "Nice to meet you Faye, I'm Karen" the woman said then she continued "This is my husband Ted" he stuck his hand out for you to shake, you shook his hand "This is Holly" she waved at you then she looked back at the ground "This is Nancy" you smiled at her then she smiled back "And lastly this is Mike" she finished "Um... Hi, i'm Mike"he said looking at you waving, you then smiled back.

"So Faye what are your hobbies? Do you still deal drugs?" Ted asked making you a tad uncomfortable and pissed that he asked that "No I don't deal drugs anymore, and for your information I was only a dealer cause my family needed the money." you said snapping back "But you could have found a better way to make money instead of dealing, right?" he said "That was the only thing I could do to make good money. Alright." I said telling the truth "Anyways, Faye what are your hobbies?" she asked changing the subject "I play D & D, I like to read, play drums, guitar, I listen to a lot of music and I collect crystals. I'm also pretty good at math and science." 

Once I mentioned D & D Mike shot his head up to me and Nancy looked at me when I said I liked to read. "A lady I was on the phone with said you take medication, what do you take them for?" Karen asked "Those would be for my depression, adhd, ocd, and my bipolar disorder..." I said kinda embarrassed "Do you still smoke?" Ted asked as Karen kicked his leg. I was fed up with him but I stuck to the truth "Occasionally, they help me calm down. Along with music, that's why there is a ton on Cd's in my room." I said "Why would you do that to yourself, I mean they could kill you!" Ted replied ignoring my 'occasionally' "That is totally irrelevant to any of this!" I snapped back Karen then said "Honey, why don't we go talk while the kids get to meet Faye." they walked away.

{Dumb Luck} Gareth Emerson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now