Doctor give me the news

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It was almost 7 by the time the rest of the team returned home.

Little Fatty yelled " We're home"

When  he received no response, he said, " Are they so sick that they are  still sleeping? I thought they would have ordered dinner by now" They  all went upstairs.

By pure chance Ming God opened Lao K's  door and immediately shut it back when he saw two figures in bed nestled  in each others' arms. He turned around and said, " Ahem! You should all  go downstairs now" in a firm voice.

Little Fatty- " Why? It's my room too."

Xiao Rui- " We should check on Smiling too"

Ming  God racked at his brain for a good reason and said, " I don't want  anyone on the team falling sick by going near Lao K. We can't go  into little sister's room anyway. So I'll check on your captain and we  can text little sister to check on her. Fatty, go order food"He shepherded them downstairs.

While this commotion was taking place  outside, the occupants of the room stirred. Their eyes widened. His hand  was on her waist and hers on his. They were practically on top of each other. They jumped apart in embarrassment.

After  he had sent the rest of the team downstairs, Ming was wondering how to  handle this situation when he heard two voices say " I'm sorry" at the  same time. He smiled ' Okay, so this was an accident. It's not what I  thought'

He opened the door softly and noticed Tang Yao trying to  sit up unsteadily and Lao K wide eyed. Neither party had noticed  him. She mumbled " I...I think I crashed from the pain. I ...I was  trying to take care of you"

Ming God noticed a half empty bowl of water and a now dry cloth on the bed and thought ' Poor thing'

She continued mumbling in a pained voice " Lao K ...I'm sorry"

Ming  God cleared his throat and both stared at him in shock. Before he could  say anything, Lao K recovered and spoke as if nothing was out of the ordinary, "  You look worse than you did this afternoon. Have your cramps gotten  worse?"

She was mortified he asked her this in front of her cousin Ming-ge but was in too much pain to say anything, so just nodded.

Lao K looked at Ming-ge and said, " Let's take her to the hospital. Can you drive ?"

Ming nodded. As he came to help her up, she told the captain, " You still feel too warm. You should rest. I'll go on my own"

Before  the captain could protest, Ming ge - " Both of you need to see a  doctor. No arguments. I'll let you get dressed and see you downstairs.  Shout if you need help" and left.

Lao K -" Sit, please. I'll  help you to your room once I get dressed. I just need to find a hoodie.  I'm doing much better." She followed him with her eyes. She was tired,  in pain but 100% mortified. " What do you need from your room?"

Tang Yao- " Just my hoodie and purse"

He  went to her room, grabbed the hoodie on the bed and her purse on the  dresser and returned to his room. Once she put it on, he helped her get  up. She looked at the bed worriedly.

Lao K - " What?"

Tang Yao -" I...I need to check if I stained your bed"

Lao K - " Don't worry about all that now. Um... your pants are clean  .. so I don't think you stained anything. Let's get you to a doctor"

They  slowly made their way downstairs. Against his better judgement, he let  her hold the railing to drag herself down instead of him supporting her.  The team mates looked on.

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