Chapter 17: Rise and Shine

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"Sir, we've got the blueprints, as you had ordered

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"Sir, we've got the blueprints, as you had ordered." A scientist came running towards Mërich's office, barging in without knocking.

"Did you, perhaps, forget how to knock?" Mërich said in a monotonous voice. "I-I apologize, it was just that, I had these..." He said, showing him the papers.

"Leave them on the table and get out." Heinrich said, coming inside. The man did as commanded and immediately left. "Sir, now we've got the papers. What do you plan to do next?" Heinrich asked, putting his hands on the waist.

"So, I was indeed correct." Mërich smiled widely, taking a look at that blue print. "You see, Heinrich..." He trailed off. "This region of this firm..." He circled his finger near a specific portion of the building.

"I do." Heinrich said.

"This is a very important place for us. We need to set up a temporary laboratory here." Mërich said, tapping on the paper. "Why don't you tell me what you're up to, Mërich? I will die before you tell me the reason why you're doing this." Heinrich rolled his eyes.

"You know, Dr. Lez Mërich never reveals what he's upto before it's time." He smirked devilishly. "Okay, what do you want me to do?" Heinrich asked.

"Get them to rent us that part of the building. Tell them we will promote their gadgets in return. Get them to agree at any costs, Heinrich." Mërich widened his eyes.

"We need to start an excavation there. Get our team ready."

*  *  *

"Rise and shine, lazy head." Mrs. Lee pulled the covers off the sofa only to find it empty.

"Huh? Kun was sleeping here. Where'd he go?" She wondered. "KUN? DID YOU WAKE UP?" She yelled, searching the whole house.

"Kun." Seven squeaked. "Mm?" Kun asked, touching his chin to her forehead.

"I think mom find you." She mumbled in her sleepy voice. "Please, just hide me." He groaned, snuggling closer to Seven under the covers. His hand snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him while he proceeded to hide himself in the crook of her neck.


"No." Seven denied. "Please!" Kun pleaded childishly as the tip of his nose touched her collar bones while hiding deeper under the covers.

"I not hide you." Seven said, turning to her other side to sleep peacefully. "God." Kun facepalmed himself, hoping his mother just randomly forgot that he ever existed.

"Look at this guy." Mrs. Lee scoffed. "HOW DARE YOU SLEEP BESIDE HER?" She scolded, pulling the covers off Kun. "Mom, I can't sleep on the couch. It's not comfortable." Kun whined, trying to pull the covers back from his mother's strong and unbreakable grip.

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