Chapter 9

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Harry's Pov

"That was the best kiss ever" I said

"You know, she has a boyfriend." Zayn said.

"What?" I said.

"Yeah" Zayn laughed.

Neha's P.o.v

ITS MARCUS'S BIRTHDAY. I was so happy. I need to surprise him. I bought a bunch of red flowers and went to his house. I went inside with the spare key he gave me. I ran to his room and opened it and was about to scream happy birthday but what I saw in front of me broke me apart. Tears started to well in my eyes. Marcus was on top of a girl kissing her. He shifted his head when he heard me. "SHIT. Babe let me explain,” he said as he got of her. I just threw the flowers at him and whispered. "Happy birthday" And ran away crying. When i got home i just went to my room. Max saw me and ran towards me. "What's wrong?" He said He hugged me.

"M-marcus. He ch-cheated." I tried to say.

"I'm going to kill him" Max said. 

"You're just making me feel worse Max." I said as I hugged him. We were on my bed right now. 

"Hahah I’m sorry." He said. Just then the doorbell rang. Max got up and went to see who it was.

I just cried harder.

The door then opened.

"Hey, your brother let me in. you forgot your bag a-. Hey hey. Why are you crying?" A voice that belonged to zayn entered my ears.

He lied beside me and hugged me. I put my head on his chest and sobbed. He rubbed my back in soothing circles."Shh shh, It's going to be ok." he said.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" zayn said.

"My boyfriend cheated on me" i said 

"Well he's a idiot for doing that to a beautiful girl like you." Zayn said.

"Okay so do you want to watch a movie?" Zayn said lightning my mood.

"Sure" I smiled

He wiped my tears with his thumb and then switched on Mean girls.

3 Hours later.

"Best movie ever." I said.

"NO WAY" Zayn said.

"You could've texted or called me to tell me about my bag."

"Only if you answered."Zayn smirked and pointed to my phone. I checked it and yeah he did call.

"Haha, sorry."

A yawn escaped from Zayn's mouth. I saw the time and it was 12 am.

"I better get going" Zayn said.

"Stay over? Please?" I said.

"Are you sure." he said 

"Hundred percent" I said.

"Ok." He said.

We lied down on my bed.

"I can’t believe Marcus did that" I said as a tear escaped my eye.

Zayn saw and hugged me.

"Don't cry for that idiot. He's not worth it babe. Wanna watch mean girls again?" He said.

"But you hated It." I said

"I’d rather see it again than watch you cry" he said.

"aww. And no we don't have to watch it again." I said as I cuddled into him.

The next morning.

I woke up in zayn’s arms. I tried to wiggle out of them but his grip got tighter. "NO STAY!" He protested. 

I laughed

He finally opened his eyes and said. "You find that funny eh?"

"Uh huh" I nodded.

 He got on top me and started tickling me.

"S-stop hahah" I said.

"Say Zayn is the sexiest guy on the planet."

"Zayn is the sexiest guy on the whole planet,” I said quickly and he stopped. 

"Not" I added and ran.

He caught me and pinned me to the wall. He just stood there staring in my eyes while I stared his. He backed away when he realized how close we were to kissing. 

"Uh I should get going." He said.

"Thank you for making me feel better." I said.

He just kissed my forehead and smiled and left.


Dedication to Hafsah369

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