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Continuing with Aliya's pov...

Shivan : bhaiyaaaaaa!!!!!

Ufff...this idiot..why he is shouting..

With response to his voice Mr.curls looked at us. They he again turned his head towards his teammates to discuss something.

"Why are you disturbing him shiv???" I asked

"He is my brother it's my right to disturb him " he replied with a smrik 😒

" but he is busy I think ...tomorrow is his match " shruti said.

" I know but I want to tell him something very important." He replied.

With this conversation Mr. Curls reached us.

" What happened shiv? Why you shouting like an idiot? " He asked calmly.

Wow..our thoughts has this much similar.  He also thinks he is an idiot.

Pov end..

Shivan : bhaiya..plz don't tell mom about my results.. else I had to starve without food today...

Shreyan : see.. shiv.. I don't tell lie..

Shivan : are a ...tell for once na..for your cute Lil bro..😊.. I promise I will buy you new volume of Sherlock Holmes...

Shruti (interupted) : you r bargaining your brother to tell a lie???

Shivan : shut up chipkali...he is my brother...I will do whatever I will like..

Shreyan : see... I neither interested to lie for you nor for your bargain... BTW I am not a monkey who will do whatever you will say just for a banana....

He said last words indicating yo Aliya...

Aliya : shiv.. tell your brother if he wants to talk to me..then talk directly...

Shreyan : shiv ...tell her...I don't talk to monkeys... and now I am busy you all go for classes... meeting you after school..

With this Shreyan left..

Shruti : Aliya you had stiffen this matter more by this...

Aliya : I know...but I couldn't keep my mouth shut..u know it right??

Shruti: just keep quit let me think what to do..

Shivan : what you r discussing about ???

Aliya told him morning incidents..

Shivan : I have one solution ..

Shruti: I got one idea..

Both said at same time

Aliya : one by one..first shiv say..

Shivan : listen you should prepare bhaiya's favorite that right??

Aliya : yea...who doesn't know that he loves tea..
Yesterday di has brought a new flavor of tea I will prepare it and some pokoras..

Okay done..

Now shruti say..

Shruti: see shivan's idea is you complete all his homeworks he will be happy internally...and will melt for sure..

Aliya : yes you r right..I will complete all my homeworks after going back and will sleep early...

Thanks guys...

Love you dudes ❤..

Shivan + shruti : mention not sherni...

With this they went back to their classroom...

After school Sohan came with aishya to pick up shivan Aliya and shreyan

Aishya was sitting at backseat while shreyan came and have seat beside his brother.
And Aliya took beside her sister. Shivan sat beside Aliya..

They went back home..

On the way..

Sohan : how was your results shiv ?

Shiv : wo..wo..dau...wo..

Shreyan : what wo..wo..??? Say na..that again got bad marks...

Sohan : what???...again???

Shivan : dau..plz manage mom na...else I will starve today..bhaiya is not helping...😑😑

Sohan : see..shivan how long will you do like this...previous time also shreyan saved you before that I saved you again???

Shivan : ahhh...dau...plzzzz..

Sohan : shreyan why don't you teach him also with Aliya...afterall both are in same class...

Aishya : yes shreyan can teach him also...then this problem will end itself..

Shreyan : di...dau...have you guys gone mad ...I am already handling a monkey (looking at Aliya) ...and again one more???..

Sohan : what can I do now...??

Sohan sighed in disbelief... shaking his head..

The whole journey Aliya was quite she was thinking to impress her Mr.curls..tomorrow..😂😂...

They reached home 🏡

Aliya and Aishya went inside their house..while Sohan went to garage to park the car.... Shivan ran inside ...aware of trouble coming towards him ...

Shreyan was waiting for Sohan to come so that they can go together ❤..

As they both stepped inside...

S/M: you can be so irresponsible????...

Shivan : sorry mom...

S/M: your teacher called me just now to inform me ...that you failed in maths???...
Your brother is first bot of class and you idiot...always jumping like a monkey...and wasting my money...why can't you be serious...????

She shouted...

Shreyan and Sohan looked at each other and nodded there heads...

S/m : from tomorrow you will also take classes from shreyan ...understand???

This made a bomb blast on Shreyan's head...he got just 2 hours to a day he have to spend it for his idiot brother....who he knew nothing can change him...

To be continued....

Loads of love from

Candy 🦋

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