Chapter 1: A "Normal" Day in Da Hood

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(Cheddar's Pov)

I awake to the sound of my alarm clock ringing loudly. I thought that I would be late for school, but strangely enough, it was only 4:30 in the morning.

"I must've set the alarm wrong last night" I said as I yawned 

I decide to just go on with it. I mean, I may have time to play my favorite game, Bulked Up. Moreover, I run down the stairs not expecting there to be food on the table, but to my surprise, my mom is waiting for me with a full plate of breakfast.

This is my mom, Trish. She's the kindest, most wholesome, and nicest mom ever. 

"Mom, how did you know I would wake up this early?' I asked politely

"Well, I saw that you set your alarm for 4:30 last night, so I decided to wake up at 3 just to make you this." She said with a welcoming grin

I gladly said thank you. The food looked amazing. Oil from the crispy bacon dripped onto the sweet syrup covered pancakes. I couldn't resist eating it. As I ate my food, I looked out into my beautiful hometown, La Puta or as the locals call it, Da Hood. 

As I looked out the window, I catch a glimpse of what seems to be a black octopus looking figure over my school. It seemed to be growing like vines throughout the walls of the school. I didn't think anything of it. I just brushed it off for now.

I check my pocket watch and to my surprise, it is already 7:30. I quickly finish my food and get ready. This seemed weird. It felt like I was only eating for 15 minutes. 

"I must've dozed off" I thought

I didn't think anything of it. I rushed to put on my clothes and brush my teeth. I walked out the door still seeing that black figure growing, and growing. At this point, it covered the entire school building.

As I reach the school gates, I see black vines creep through the doors, windows, and even the smallest crevasses in the red brick walls. I walk through the door, and I notice that there was no one there. It felt eerie somehow. As I walk further down through empty halls, I see something that sent shivers down my spine.   

I see students and teachers lying unconscious on the cold concrete floor. I run through the school halls looking for at least one person who can help me. I look through the classrooms, the gym, the playground. I basically turned the school upside down. I ran everywhere but something occurred when I was by the janitor's closet. 

I get pulled in by someone or something perhaps. Luckily, it was 2 people who did not want to harm me. Their names were Gordo and  Posay Tite, or P.T for short. They are known as being the class rebels. 

"This whole situation was caused by the entity above the school" P.T whispers

I suspected that this whole situation were in is about that entity. I mean, time speeding up and everyone lying unconscious was not normal, at least in Da Hood. 

"You have unlocked a special power, only people with these abilities will survive" Gordo whispers

"What exactly is this power?" I ask 

"Well why don't we try to awaken it" P.T says

As soon as I know it, sweat from my shoulder forms into a knife like shape. This sweat knife moves on its own. It stabs my shoulder several times. Blood gushed out onto my white T-Shirt. My wound was at least 2 inches deep. Luckily, these wounds weren't fatal. 



Power: Can manipulate one's sweat

In an act of self defense, I create a ray of light which is rainbow colored. 

"Is this my ability?" I thought

I call this ability "Rainbow Blast"! I use said ability to send a rainbow straight through P.T's head. It blows her brain out. Blood rushes out of the giant hole in her head, even small parts of her brain and skull come out with it. This hole was at least 4 inches in diameter. Her black hair parts around the hole because of the sheer power of my attack. The wound is fatal. P.T's lifeless body falls on the ground as Gordo and I watch in shock.



Power: Gay

"You psycho!" he yells 

Gordo uses his ability. He quickly resizes himself pinning me against the door. I could feel my back getting squished against the metal door. My nose bled as it was pinned to the door. I was getting suffocated. I was running out of breath. I needed to attack now.



Power: Fatty

I use a mirror in the room to reflect my rainbow blast. It ricochets along the walls, it eventually goes straight through his throat killing him. This attack slit his throat his head was close to falling off. Blood splattered all over the door and my face. It was horrible.

I was freed from his grasp. I rush back home to see something horrible.

My mom, Trish was punched through the stomach by the black entity. Blood splattered all over the kitchen counters. This sadly kills her. As I begin to charge up my rainbow blast, the entity disappears into the air.

From now on, my life will be dedicated to destroying this entity... 

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