Party timee

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20mintues passed and Melanie showed up at my house with series of bags and a huge case, stacked with makeup. It was currently 5:20pm and we had until 8:00pm to be ready so we went straight to my room to start our looks. Mel wore a simple plain red dress that made her curves stand out and matched well with her extremely long, blond locks, wearing a pair of black heals with red soles. She had her hair straightened and wore a few silver bangles with a matching necklace and earrings. For makeup she wore bright red lips that matched her dress perfectly and the right amount of foundation, topping the look off with a few coats of mascara and simply filling in her eyebrows. For my look I wore a dress of Melanie's that she brought with her. It was black with short laced sleeves and laced up to my lower back. It went to my mid thigh and hugged my curves, if I do say so my self I looked quite good. I wore a pair of black heals and a silver, diamond bracelet. And for my makeup I wore a clear gloss, also the right amount of foundation and a few coats of mascara and also filling in my eyebrows. For my hair I just left it down going over a few of my waves by curling them just a touch.

By now it was 7:50 so and Tom was here for Melanie whilst I was to wait for Harvey. At exactly 8:00 there was a loud nock at the door followed by a very good looking Harvey West who walked in before I got to the bottom of the stairs, wait I did I just call him good looking. I look down and begin to blush.
"Wow" was all he could say. His eyes traced my whole body from head to toe and I begin to come a big self conscious and cross my arms over my chest.
"Take a picture it will last longer" I said with a playful smirk just like his own. He cleared his throat at looked into my eyes.
"Ready to go nerd" he said mirroring the smirk on my face. So by now I'm guessing my new name is going to by nerd.
We stepped out side and no car was in site.
"How are we getting there?"I asked.
"My bike" he replies smoothly a cocky grin on his face. Hum not cliche at all the bad boy has a motorcycle.
"No way am I going on that, especially with you driving it" I state, with a seriousness tone in my voice.
"Hey, I'll have you know I'm achelly a good driver" he says proudly with hurt in his voice. He grabbed hold of my hand and placed me on the back of the bike. Well u guess I have no say in this. He gets on seconds after and starts up the engine.
"Here" he says passing me a helmet. "We're this" he finishes. I gladly take the helmet putting it straight on increasing my chances of safety.
"Wrap your arms around me" I stair at him blankly.
"No way" I say repeatedly shaking my head.
"Suit your self nerd" He says with amusement in his voice before starting the bike. The second he set off at speed i grabbed a hold of his waist with in seconds with a tight grip hoping that the journey was over at fear of falling off to my death.
5minutes later and we were just a block away from the house and I could already here the loud sound off music. As we were just pulling up He began to speak.
"You can open your eyes now nerd" I slowly opened them to see already drunken teens making out and throwing up. I finally loosened my grip from Harvey and he got of the bike carrying me off with him moments later. We made our way into the house and into the kitchen.
"Want one?" Harvey asked offering me a beer.
"No thanks, I don't drink" I said thanking him for the offer and standing there awkwardly.
"Maddie!" Someone shouted my name and within seconds I recognised that the high pitched yelp belonged to my half sober best friend.
"Hey Mel, where's Tom?" I ask looking around to the back off her not seeing my thee best friend in sight only the one and only Chris Smith stood next to her.
"He's currently dancing back in the room with Jake" she says smiling. Jakes this boy in most of Toms lessons and he's all he goes on about, it's pretty obvious he has a crush on him he's just not so confident to admit his sexuality yet but we all know.
"Ooooo" I say also smiling with a little tone of amusement in my voice. I was really happy for Tom, he's finally getting him self out there, we just have to wait for him to finally admit it.
Part 3 finally finished💋in still editing so don't hate on any spelling mistakes and I'm still trying to improve on everything☺️please leave your thoughts in the comments and follow my Instagram where I post updates and information on this story//teenficwattpad❤️

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