[Tyler & Maddison]

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Maddison:  my name is Maddison Greene i'm 17 years old turning 18 soon and i work at Starbucks Cafe ..i'm getting ready to graduate high school and i have to figure out what i want to with my life before my mom literally kicks my ass...my best friend is Kailey James she's been my best friend since we were kids... she's also the sister of the most hated person in my life i've hated Tyler James for as long as i can remember but somehow Kailey thinks we belong together when i've told her over and over i will NEVER date her brother EVER...when i was 16 i got bullied by Tyler's ex girlfriend then someone told Tyler and he broke up with her ...after that i decided to change my looks i had blonde hair like my mom at first and wore glasses and had baggy clothes {nothings wrong with baggy clothes i love them} now i wear clothes like my bestfriend and wear contacts..i was also a nerd but i never changed that now i'm starting school again and i know i will get stares but i don't care ...but what i'm really scared of is kailey trying to get me together with every guy that comes my way...and i know Tyler have something to say since i haven't seen him since last school year because i was with my aunt all summer...but that's my life story there's more to it but i don't wanna talk about that!!🙂



fuck i'm late for school...

i hurry up and get in the shower for my morning routine and get a cute outfit for school which is this^^

after i put my clothes on i do my hair in a messy bun and put my contacts in and head downstairs to eat breakfast

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after i put my clothes on i do my hair in a messy bun and put my contacts in and head downstairs to eat breakfast

mom: hey hunny why are you up so late "

maddison: i over slept anyway what's for breakfast "

mom: sorry didn't have time to cook the hospital called me and i have to go but there's pop tarts in the cabinet if you want that if not then i don't know hunny i'll be working late tonight so i won't be home tonight, now i'm leaving by love you"

maddison: ok love you too mom"

my mom leaves for work when Kailey knocks at the door this is my first time seeing her since last summer

Kailey: ahhhh

Maddison: hii i missed you so much

Kailey: you have no idea how bad i missed you it was not the same without you here my brother was literally driving me fucking crazy"

Maddison: cmon kailey he's tyler that's what he does"

Kailey: i know, anyway let's go, oh before we got school let's go to our job and get breakfast"

Maddison: k we're already late and you want coffee at this time"

Kailey: yes now cmon"

Maddison:alright fine"

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