Matchmaking and other shenanigans

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Lan zhan, Mianmian and Nie Huaisang sat inside of Lan wangji's Jingshi sorting out the matchmaking bios. 

Though the Nie had expected an over-whelming response as his every *Cough* novel *cough* had recieved till now, but to his disappointment they had received no more than 11 letters, out of them only 3 were bios. Most were just hate mails for writing about such a taboo, rest were letters of appreciation.

"Stop the bullshit you're spewing about a dirty habit the lesser men chose to pick up. This is nothing, but an unnatural perversion. Yet, you didn't stop at that and proceeded to write shameful things about Lan-er-gongzi, the embodiment of righteousness! "  Lan zhan read out, rolling her eyes as he picked another.

He stared at it in shock, it was he same chicken scratch writing he sees everyday. It was no other than Wei Wuxian, his Wei Ying. He took a deep breath and proceeded to read.

"Lan zhan is a the pillar of purity, beauty and virginity! How dare you write such filthy things about a man of such upright values. I'm not against this little cut-sleeve agenda of yours, but remember one thing. Lan zhan's ass belongs to Lan zhan only! If I see another unappropriated comment on Lan-er-gongzhi's bum, then you won't live to regret it!" Lan zhan read, trying to control his laughter. While, his friends had shamelessly sprawled on the floor laughing.

"Wei-xiong is so smitten!" Nie Huaisang laughed. "I'm fabulous honey." Lan zhan replied dramatically flipping his hair.

"A week ago I wouldn't have believed if someone had told me that wangji-xiong can be so much cooler." The Nie said.

"He can a diva when he wants to be though." Mianmian said pulling Lan zhan in one armed squeeze. 

Lan zhan kissed his best friend's cheek in adoration, squeezing her to the core. 

Unlike the other two men, a third extremely jealousy entity was watching this display of platonic affection with an urge to smite Mianmian to pieces.

'How dare she touch what's his!' The entity fumed.


The next day(Wednesday)

Lan wangji, Mianmian, Jin Zixuan and Nie Huaisang, all set out of the cloud recesses with the spirit of an immortal cultivator. Wearing a modesty veil on their faces,  the four horse men of Jianghu's cut-sleeve community sneaked out of the bearded dragon's well guarded den, stealing his precious golden cabbage with them, clueless of the jealous pig that followed them.

"I think we should get our hair done." Lan wangji said, realizing how dry his hair had become. 

"Hmm, after all you give hair care tips Ji-xiong! Your hair can't look like this!" Nie Huaisang winced at the sight of Lan Zhan's single split ended hair.

"Maybe we should just have a spa day! Get our nails done! Tu'er shen will assure the rest!" Mianmian rolled her eyes.

Wei ying wanted to pick up his Lan zhan and personally carry him to a spa! If his Lan zhan wanted to get his hair done then who was that wretched woman to tell him no!

"See what happens when you take my Lan zhan's friendship for granted!" Wei ying slammed his fist against a sturdy log.

"Mianmian's right, we can do this menial tasks later. Our first priority is setting up the dates and visiting our friends." Lan zhan said. 

'Why did he agree with that girl? Is Lan zhan going on a date with Mianmian? Well, it does makes sense...........he's not mine to keep. Wait! Who are the other two? And who are these "friends" Lan zhan is talking about? I need to make sure he's out of the harms way!' Wei ying thought, following the group earnestly. 

"Ji'er!" Mianmian slumped on Lan zhan's shoulder a little too recklessly, Wei Ying's heart almost paused.

"Mn." Lan zhan hummed.

"Where should we go out for a brunch?" Mianmian asked, dragging Lan zhan down the stairs by his arm. To wei Ying's utter shock Lan zhan went with her without a protest.

Wei ying did not know why, but his legs threatened to give out and tears about to burst. He hated this feeling of being replaced in a friendship, he wanted Mianmian to disappear and his Lan zhan to pull him out of this terrible, terrible dream.

"Liu-ayi's seafood kitchen." Lan zhan replied. 

"No!" The other three replied in unison.

"We go there almost all the time!" Jin zixuan whined. 

"There's a new Hunan eatery near the old lane?" Huaisang suggested. 

Wei ying couldn't help but feel betrayed at the fact that one of his best friends hid this big Secret from him. Huaisang didn't even bother to tell Wei ying about Lan zhan's crush on that ugly girl! Heck, he didn't even inform Wei ying that he was going to roam the town with Lan zhan! How dare that traitor suggest Wei ying's favorite place as a date location for Lan Zhan and that undeserving Jin girl!

"That'll be reserved for a date." Lan zhan replied. 

'A date? I'll never go to that eatery ever again!' Wei ying's face fell.

Yet, he couldn't stop himself from following his Lan zhan. 

After all, he had a wicked witch's plans to thwart.


After searching a while for a place to snack at, Lan wangji found a noodle shop inside Gusu's red light area.

"Auntie Yue! Is Xing-jiejie alright? I heard that she gave birth a week ago?" Jin Zixuan smiled.

'Like father, like son!' Wei ying thought. 

"Of course dear! It was a hard labor though!" Auntie swatted Jin Zixuan's arm

"Aiyah! A-zhan, you need to look after your hair sweetheart! I'll ask Rumei to trim your split-ends for you." Auntie Yue said looking at the same split ended hair Nie  Huaisang had found a sichen ago.

"That is so very kind of you auntie,  but we have to plan a date or two." Lan zhan declined the offer kindly. 

"Oh dear! Did you finally confessed to him?" Auntie Yue almost jumped up in excitement. 

'Him? His Lan zhan was not in love with Mianmian? His Lan zhan was a cut-sleeve! That too in love with another! Whatever happens Wei ying will find out who it is, who dared to stole his Lan zhan's heart! But first, Wei ying needed to cry for some unknown reasons.' Wei ying's mind chattered endlessly. 

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