Chapter 2

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Location: Georgian-Russian Border

"Damn it! I can't get through to them! Is the signal being jammed?" Clay heard Koko frustratingly said through her phone while talking to someone "Don't say 'maybe' maybe doesn't cut it. Identify the problem now!"

"Look out world the little lady's pissed off again." grinned Lutz

"Those idiots in HQ are useless. I'm so sick of this shit. How are we going to meet up with Tojo and Valmet if I can't reach them?"

"Use morse code?" Clay chuckled causing Koko to groan and sigh

"And something else I wanna know. Who are those guys?" she suspected the BRDM armored vehicle pulling up in front of the truck

In front of Koko's car is a 4x4 pick up truck commandeered by Demons 2, 4 and 6 with 6 being the machine gunner on the bed of the truck covering their 3 o'clock with a mounted M240 and another truck behind the car carrying Demons 3 and 5 with the same gun covering their 9 o'clock achieving full 360 security.

"That's probably the Georgian border police." Demon 6 or Ching answered Koko

"How do we play it?" Lehm asked

"Don't bother stopping. If they wanna pit an LAV against a twenty-ton truck-" the BRDM escort got blown up by a mine causing Koko to exclaim and yelp in surprise as the explosion startled her

"Ambush!" Clay called on through their local radio frequency and put the convoy to a halt and caused the two pick ups to move away from the road and off.

"Non vehicle gunners dismount- hey! Where are you going!" Clay saw Koko running out of the vehicle "Be advised: our VIP ran out of the vehicle, set up a temporary perimeter here."

"Roger that." Demons 2, 3, and 4 acknowledges and stepped out of their vehicles and provide perimeter security while Clay stepped out of the vehicle and caught up with her yelling out her frustration as she and him witnessed a warzone down the valley

"*Chuckles* They're fighting for that pipeline" Lehm walked up to them from behind along with Graver who aimed through his MK11 Mod 2 scope to get a better view from above

"No shit." Clay exhaled

"We landed ourselves smack in the middle of a battle field, but hey at least that explains why the phones wasn't working." Lehm gave his binoculars to Koko and observed the battlegrounds "Check it out. We got GMS mobile phone base stations, relay towers, and microwave transmission sites, all blown up by whoever got there first." Koko gripped the binoculars tighter and tighter in anger "Crap like this goes down both sides want to control information which is what I meant about the Sat phone. Covert war equals total blackout."

"You know an awful lot about this, Lehm." Koko looked at him

"I guess." the man shrugged which was followed by her throwing a hissy fit and rants to release her anger. Her rage looks like she was suffering a seizure.

"Ey we got contacts here, what are your orders, lead?" Church reported

"Stand down and put your weapons up. We're not fighting their war." said Clay as everyone put their guns and hands up as they were being approached by the armed men

"It's alright boys, we're not the enemy." Koko reassured the men in Georgian "That doesn't makes us friends though." she muttered in English

That said they were let go and continued travelling to their client's meeting point

"I'm glad you can make it, Ms. Hekmatyar. It's a pleasure." Koko and the client shook their hands "I must say you're a lot younger than expected." the client remarked

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