I'm just a kid #4

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Lexa pov.

After I decide what to do with clarke today I go back to there camp, luckily I don't get spotted.

When I get there i see the 100 or i have been told by clarke that they have already lost some people but the ones who are alive look happy or as happy as they can be. They have just been ripped alway from the place they were born in and grew up then dumped down here like lab rats to die. As I'm looking around i can't see clarke anywhere. All of a sudden a boy i haven't seen before starts shouting at the rest of them.

"If you want food and water you have to get the rest of the wall up, the Grounders are out there and they are dangerous they won't just wait for the wall to be up before they attack they will just kill when we are weak. The quicker the wall gets up the less chance they have of getting in so build this wall!" The boy shouts at all the others. Anger boils up inside of me how could he be so mean? First off I am the commander I control what they call us as "grounders" I won't let them hurt the kids unless they hurt us and we don't kill unless it is for war or we are being attacked.

I see clarke come out of what they call the drop ship, she also look pissed at him she walks up to him and says something I can't make out so I move closer making sure I am not spotted.

"If you think you can control us your wrong. We found this food and the water, we were nice enough to share it so i think it should be us who decides who eats not you?" Clarke tells him getting angrier. She storms off but then turns around.

"Oh and Murphy? We just got to earth, most of us were going to be killed when we turned 18 including you so give us a break we don't need these walls if the Grounders wanted to kill us don't you think they would have done it by now? And if they are waiting i don't think a little wall is going to stop them." She says turns around and leaves this time for good. She keeps on walking and she walks out of the camp i follow her but I stay hidden she starts picking up the pace until she is at a slow run I wounder where she is going. Until she stop and i realise where we are she wanted to go to the radioactive forest she sits down on a log and suddenly starts crying.

"Clarke?" I ask in a soft voice to try and not scare her.

"Oh lexa I uh I'm sorry I didn't know you were out here I just um..." She says clearly not knowing what to say.

"Its fine, do you want to tell me what the matter is?" I ask as she slowly stops crying and wipes her face.

"Its nothing really just everything is getting to much and now the rest of the 100 want me to lead them they look to me and a few call me 'princess' when really I'm just a kid who wants to stay alive and keep the ones who I care about alive." Clarke tell me and slowly leans over and rests her head on my shoulder. I think about wrapping my arm around her but I decide not to and just rest her head on the top of hers.

After sitting like this for a good hour or two she looks up at me and ask where or what we are doing today. I simply reply with.

"Where ever you wanna go but I want to show you my village where I live and my clan its called the woods clan I can also show you some of our ways and tell you a bit about what happened while you were in space, and if you feel comfortable talking about it maybe you could tell me what it was like living in space?" I ask and she just nods and gets up.

I lead her to the outside of my village and I ask her to wait outside for a minute to make sure it is safe. When I am sire no one is around I grab her wrist and guide her in.

"So you live here? Its really nice." She tells me I just says thanks back.

All of a sudden Indra runs up to us aiming a spear at Clarke's stomach.

"Indra! chil yo daun!" I shout angrily at her.

"Uh... Sorry Heda what is she doing here and who is she?" She asks.

"That's none of your business, all you need to know is not to hurt her unless I tell you to got that?" I tell Indra angry that she tried to hurt Clarke without me even telling her to I lead her to my tent and tell her to sit down.

"So how did you survive this long? We always got taught that the world had no survivers." I'm shocked when clarke tells me this so I start to explain everything.

"Nope we have always been here, you have probably heard of the bombs?" I say and clarke just nods her head. "well they killed a lot but there was already your people living in space?" I say almost as a question because it sounds so weird that someone could live in space but i will ask her about that later. So i just carry on.

"Half of us pled to the mountain we call mount weather and then the rest of us as you call us 'grounders' only the strongest survived the rest died out then out of the ones who survived we separated into the 12 clans my clan is called the wood clan. But I am the commander that mean I am the leader of all 12 of them but i spend all of my time living in the woods clan. That's the basics anyway there is a lot more for me to tell you but we will talk more about me another day I want to hear about you now what was it like in space?" I tell her.

"Well first off it was very crammed everything was close together and the ceilings were low down. There was limited food and water to go around and each couple could only have one child each. There were good things like what we called moonrises they were nice to watch but nothing else was good about it we always dreamed about living down here but we could only dream. Until we new the earth was safe to live on we couldn't come down until now." She stops for a moment and I ask her why she came down now.

"Well the Ark which is what we call it was running out of oxygen so they sent 100 juvenile offenders down to see if earth was survivable because no matter how small our crimes were we were expendable so that's how we ended up here. They had sent down people before but we think the radio died or something or they died in the landing because every time someone new got sent down we would lose all contact with them." She tells me then looks up for an answer.

"Clarke they didn't die in the landing, they were mostly taken my the mountain men from mount weather." I tell her and she looks up at me with a worried expression.

"What do you mean?" She asks. I debate whether or not to tell her what they do but I decide not to for now.

"Clarke you need rest I will take you back to your people but I will tell you another day about all of that. Go outside and wait for me I will be out now." I tell her and she gets up and leaves I pick up my knife and sword because its starting to get dark as we were talking for a while so I need to protect us who knows what could be waiting for us out there. After I get my stuff I wander outside to see Clarke being pinned against the side of my tent be Indra.

"You shouldn't have come down here sky girl! Look at you now so weak so venerable that the commander isn't by your side." I hear Indra says as she brings out her knife just slides it slowly across Clarke's neck not deep enough to kill but deep enough the tiny spots of blood start appearing from her neck. I run over to them and shoat at her to get off of her.

"Indra! What do you think you are doing? I told you not to hurt Clarke." I say and pull Clarke away I wrap one arm around her as I am scolding Indra but I can feel her shaking not with coldness but with fear. She was alone and by the looks of it has no weapons.

After I am done Indra just looks at me and doesn't speak one bit so I turn around and guide Clarke away from her I will have to deal with Indra later.

"Come on you can stay with me for tonight if you want? Its getting late." I say and she just nods her head. I take her back into my tent and I call Nyko in the help Clarke clean her neck after it is done I let her sleep in my bed and I just walk over to my chair once I think she has drifted off to sleep I can't make her sleep on the floor and I have only none her less than a week so I can't share the bed with her even if it is a big one. All of a sudden clakre calls over to me, I guess she wasn't asleep.

"Lexa? Please sleep in the bed with me I can't make you sleep on the floor or in the chair it is your place after all." She asks in a sleepy voice.

"Only if your sure?" I ask and she just nods her head so I slip into the other side with her, our body slightly touch and its sends a weird feeling through my viens I just ignore it and slowly driff off to it probably is nothing.


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