Godamn you.

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Victoria circled me warily

"You gonna do anything?" She taunted. I smiled. It had been awhile since we had sparred. Of all of my team, she was closest to my newly developed skill. I'm not bragging, just being honest.

"With or without powers?" I asked.

"With," she smirked,"I can take you easily without."

Once upon a time, that was true. However, she hadn't seen me fight in at least 7 years. I would enjoy knocking her down a peg. Or fifty.

I chuckled. "You can fight with. I'll take my chances without."

She grinned at me. "Prepare yourself," she said confidently, "Cuz I'm about to kick your ASS." With this, she launched her attack.

I was already in a defensive stance, which proved helpful, as I managed to dodge her kick. However, I was unprepared for the short blast of fire which followed.
"Shit!" I cursed, as I felt the pain kick in. "That hurts like a bitch!" I glared at Victory, who just laughed at me.

"Don't play with fire if you can't handle a burn," she said philosophically, as she twirled out of the way of my attacks. She stopped to frown at me. "I can tell you're holding back. Don't. I can take whatever you dish out."

"Fine. Come at me then."

Victory then came at me with everything she had. For fifteen minutes, all you could hear were blasts hitting the side of the sewer, followed by subsequent swearing. True to my word, I didn't hold back in terms of physical fighting. I dodged every one of her attempted hits, while landing a few of my own. Our match finally ended when I managed to throw her over my shoulder in a modified jujitsu move.

"Happy?" I asked, breathless.

"Sure." She wheezed from her prone position on the floor."Nice to see you've improved."

We grinned at each other as I gave her a hand. She sat up and pushed it away. "I'm not a baby. I got it."

I frowned, but shrugged it off. Our fight over, Victory and I turned to Raevyn. She was barely visible behind the rather large computer she had somehow managed to hook up to outside internet. Before my 'spat' with Victory, I had given her the task of finding out all she could about our next target. The Dark One. Historians could not be given any credit for imagination, because with that nickname, it was clear they didn't have any. His mother was probably worse. Who names their kid Darkwyn? Godwin, Goodwin, hell, Angelwyn would have been better. Poor guy probably developed a complex and thought he was born to be evil. No matter. He was still going to die by my hands.

"Anything?" I asked Raevyn.

"Nope,"she replied,"I need more time."

I sighed. Ah well. Might as well pay my assassin mom a visit.


"Here." He called, sticking his head out of the tunnel he was in.

"Can I have the keys?"

"Sure." He tossed them to me, and I caught them easily. I turned towards the tunnel that led to our garage. Victoria also made to go with me, but I stopped her.

"And where do you think you're going? "

"With you?" She asked, more as a question than a statement.

"Guess again."

"I'm not staying, am I?"

"Ding, ding, ding, and we have a winner."


"You've been acting like a kid, so now you're on timeout." I said as I stuck my tongue out at her.

She snorted. " You're the one sticking her tongue out, and I'm the kid?"

"Whatever. Just stay here and keep an eye on the others." I said sullenly, my moment over. I turned around again to the tunnel, and left Victory to boss- I mean watch the others.

"Bye guys!" I yelled.

"Bye!" Came the chorus of replies.

After walking through various interconnected tunnels. I finally reached the surface. Right next to the garage. I bent down and yanked the rusty door open to reveal my temporary transportation. The vehicle affectionately termed 'Monster'. I'm sure you can imagine what she looks like. Completely black, a silent motor, built for speed and stealth. The seat, custom leather that never chafes. Bright, gleaming, silver equipment. Not. Yeah, I wish. Instead of that amazingness, I was greeted with the sight of a less-than-stellar vehicle. To be more accurate, a Vespa.

A Vespa. Fuck my life.

Yep folks, you heard me. The Devil's concubine rides a Vespa. Not just any Vespa either, but that old mint green color your ancestors probably used to ride. The reason she's named monster is because of the deathly loud roar she lets out when you start her. See, I voted for grizzly, or dragon, but I was the minority. Our green monster can go up to-prepare yourself folks- a whopping 25 miles an hour. Yay! If I was in a chase of some sort, I'd be the first to get shot.

I grabbed my helmet off of the rack it was on. My helmet was black and tinted, all the better to hide my face. I boarded my trusty steed and together, we trundled down the abandoned street. At the end, after numerous exits, I reached a fork in the road. At this point, I was hard-pressed to even calk it a road. It was more like a trail. I hopped off of Monster and walked her to the center of the fork in the...trail. After carefully making sure no one was within earshot, I whispered a phrase into the empty air.

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