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"It was two weeks ago today at West Valley High, where what can only be described as an all-out karate riot caught students and faculty off-guard, sending shock waves through the Valley." A reporter said while I was watching TV in my room or should I say hospital room that is my room but my parents locked me in it.

"We got enough to worry about. Now we got karate gangs in schools?" Women said on the TV.

"There was a karate attack at the mall a couple of months back. I thought karate died out in the '80s." A middle-aged guy said looking at the camera.

"Earlier today, students organized a peaceful gathering of prayer and song. Tonight, West Valley High is holding a community meeting to answer questions and help settle fears." The reporter said.

"Police are still looking for Robby Keene, who ran away after kicking fellow student Miguel Diaz off a second-floor balcony, landing right here on this staircase. Y/n Rose was another victim who got pushed down the stairs by Samantha Larusso from the second floor to first Landing here, on these stairs" Reporter said showing my photo and then Sam. "Y/n is back at home healing there. Diaz, meanwhile, remains in a coma at West Valley General. His prognosis..." the women didn't get to finish when the TV turned off.

"Hey! I was watching that." I said turning to look at my grandpa who was standing with a remote in his hand.

"I know. But get up we will make a visit to your school." He said showing me a poster. I rolled me eyes. Great just great. I grabbed my crutches and got out of bed and started to walk down the stairs.

We got into the car and the started to drive off to the school, music was just playing as we both didnt want to talk about anything or anyone. I wast quite sure why i was having to go to the is but i am good with it.

"Why are we even here, I don't think we are allowed to be here and my knee hurts, just so you know. I also think that it is quite easy to tell that it is me with these stupid crutch's." I said as I and grandpa were walking down the hallway. Some of the lockers had dents in them from where the fight had happen. There was also dried blood on some things.

"We just gonna listen to what they are saying, nothing else" He said as we walked to the meeting and took our seats in the corner. I put my hoodie over my head as I saw LaRusso's walk in, with there daughter just great.

"What are they doing here?" I asked not taking my eyes off them.

"We will see"

"Please take your seats. Thank you all for coming. The school board cares about student safety." Some dude said making me roll my eyes. -

"Where were the teachers?" A guy stood up from his seat and asked as everyone agreed.

"You're frustrated. But the NEA guidelines are quite clear. No teacher can get between two students fighting." The Counselor said as another guy yelled.

"That neckbeard teacher attacked the kids!" He said making me laugh remembering how I and stingray fought with those kids in the hallway.

"Mr. Stingray never worked here. Last we heard... Last we heard he's on probation and not allowed within 500 feet of any child." The guy said making my face fall as I turned to my grandpa.

"Wait. Stingray was arrested?" I asked as he nodded. "And you didn't tell me" I said falling back to my seat.

"How do we know this won't happen again?" Women stood up and asked.

"We have a new initiative called "Hugs Not Hits. Like DARE except it actually works." The Counselor said making me laugh as few people turned to me and i just shooed them off not wanting to look at them.

-𝙵*𝚌𝚔 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚢-   Robby X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now