「 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 」

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emily brought of the topic of wanting to go home and madison was refusing to let her go home— mentally of course. wouldn't want to scare her off.

danielle was okay with it because she wanted her mate to be free and not to be coped up here.

"emily," madison said, "can i ask you a question?"

she nodded and gave madison when full attention. danielle listened keenly even though her eyes weren't on them.

"you said those scars were caused by the sports you play, right?" emily nodded again, "i don't believe you."

emily didn't say anything.

"my question is, what's really causing this? i do sports and never have i ever fell and got that many bruises and scars from it."

emily gulped. she was so over. what if when she said something about it they'd start hitting her, too? what if when she gave them the answer they were looking for, they leave her?

"i told you, s-sports." she stuttered.

madison decided not to press on it and sighed.


emily was relieved that she didn't ask anything else or she'd crack and tell. she was that easy to get through.

madison and danielle left the house with emily and she looked around. she saw another house to her far right and looked at the two women.

"that house is huge."

danielle smiled, "that's the pack house."

emily nodded, "what's the pack house?"

"it's where everything in the pack is done. from paperwork, to eating dinner with everyone — which is the higher wolves, like the beta, gamma, etcetera, to working and other necessities." danielle explained.

"so if a wolf gets injured badly, would you bring them to a human hospital?"

"no. there's the infirmary for that. it's on the east wing of the pack house." madison said and emily nods in understanding.

they walked through the forest and it took them about 1-2 hours to get back to emily's house. at the forest around the back, she stopped them and tell them that they couldn't come any further.

they listened and emily hugged them and bid goodbye. madison and danielle told her bye and watched as she climbed through the window and closed it back.

bad girl, madison thought, sneaking out in the middle of the night.

she shook her head and her and danielle shifted in their wolves and ran back to the forest and to the pack house.


emily sighed as she climbed in and opened her room door. she looked at the clock in her room and saw that it was 10:56am. she was so in trouble.

she didn't make any breakfast for her step-mother.

caroline would be at work now but when she gets back, she'd deal with emily.

emily went to the kitchen and saw her father with an apron tied around him. was she dreaming? he never cooks.

her dad turned and gave her a soft smile.

"morning, hunny."

emily said good morning to him and he handed her a plate with waffles and syrup on top.

"oh, no. im not hungry, dad." she declines politely. after eating that heavy meal for breakfast, she don't think that she could hold anything else in her stomach.

"please eat, emily. you hardly eat." his voice lowered as if he was telling a secret.

"it's okay, dad. im not hungry. i already fed."

when she said that, her hand flew over her mouth, praying that she didn't say too much more that he would hit her and become angry.

her dad let out a sigh of relief.

what is happening?

"good." he said and covered the food, "i told caroline that i'd make breakfast when i came to room to check up on you and saw that you weren't here. she thought you were still asleep and was about to wake you up but i told her that i insisted. i thought you ran away for good but when i smelt the alphas— i mean, when i saw you with the two women who you came in with, i knew that you were okay."

emily nodded slowly.

"dad, why now?"

her dad knew what she was talking. why was it that now he was making a move? an effort? why was it that now he wanted to cook breakfast in her place? why was it now that he saved her from getting caught.

"i feel guilty about what caroline does to you." his answer was short and simple and it didn't satisfy emily. she wanted to yell and get angry at him but she can't. the fear of him lashing out on her was the only thing that scared her.

"okay." she whispers.

"you can go rest. i'll clean up for today."

today was a saturday, so therefore she didn't have any school. she was thankful for this thing her dad was doing. even if it was for one day.

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