「 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 」

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emily morrais

having the day off was the best. i got to rest and have some quality time to myself. my mind went back to the two women who i met.

everything they said.

wolves, pack house, alpha, leader, luna, mates, everything.

i wonder how i could date both of them at the same time. won't it feel weird to them? won't it feel unfair? what if i have a favorite out of the two? what if one of them hates me mid-relationship and decides to end things? what if one of them decides that im not worth it? what if they say im just human and leave? that would be terrifying and heartbreaking.

that's why you're going to communicate and talk to them about your problems during the relationship, your thoughts and confide in them.

the voice in my head made me pause and i was concerned. was i going crazy?

no you're not.


im in your head, dummy.

what? how's that possible?

it is very much possible. i don't have a lot of energy to talk to you seeing as i just got here. im going to rest and then i'll talk to you later on.

i nodded, some how feeling okay that there's another person in my head. or maybe it's just my thoughts messing with me. or i have personality disorder? or maybe, just maybe it's a mental connection between madison and danielle.

the last one is impossible.

i swear i am so delusional.

i heard a knock on the door and then it opened. dad came in and he looked around at the condition of the room. his eyes settled on the bedside table and he walked towards it and took up the locket that was there. his fingers ran across the surface of the necklace and he smiled sadly.

the locket was a silver moon with a sun conjoined to it. the sun could open and it would shine a bright light — well used to. the light is now gone and it's broken.

it was mom's own. my real mother.

according to dad, she died. he said that it happened in a wolf attack when they were out on a date in the forest. father said that was the last time he saw her and they took her with them.

i was sad when i heard about it but didn't feel anything. i guess it's because i didn't really know her that well. from what i can recall, i look like my mom. i have her brown hair and her brown eyes almost a dark, ugly yellow. i had her nose and her lips and her skin complexion.

"your mom would've loved to see how beautiful and strong you've grown to be." dad said sadly and i sighed softly.

i didn't say anything. i wasn't strong. i was weak and pathetic.

all of this was just so sudden, from him acting all sweet and caring towards me and actually picking my side for once. dad walked to me and raised his arms with the locket in it. he opened it and placed it around my neck, closing the lock on it.

he took two steps back and smiled.

he looks so tired.

"you look exactly like your mom with that locket."

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