Chapter 7

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Crowley sat at the small dinner watching all the little things run about in their costumes. He never did understand the need to dress up and give candy. He watched as the young man and the older man walked along the sidewalk with a young woman who was a little bit older than the boy. She had long brown hair and seemed to be talking a mile a minute.

Rabbit's brother watched her with large eyes and a small smile on his face. It reminded him of a puppy. She turned and gave the boy a big hug. Crowley read her lips and she said something about Auntie Dawn. Crowley was getting bored already. He wanted the darkness, not just the family reunion.

He jumped a little as a small thing yelled "BOO!" in his face. The child dressed like a devil smiled at him and ran off back to his mother. An evil smile started to form as his brain consummated a plan. Why bring in beasties, when they were already here? All they needed was a little... push in the right direction.


Dawn was beyond excited about the prospect of having her nephew here. It had broken her heart when Buffy gave up the twins, no matter how good of reason she had had. Now Stiles was here, and Jesse would be here soon! She could hardly contain her excitement. She turned and gave the young man another tight hug. "Oh! I just can't believe you're here! I can't wait to be Auntie Dawn again!"

"Hehe, well hopefully I'll be around for a bit. But sometimes that's not always under my control." He rubbed his neck a little awkwardly, then quickly finished with. "If you want me to call you Auntie Dawn I can?"

She patted his cheek affectionately, "Whatever makes you happy, hon. I'm good with either, just know I'm calling myself Auntie Dawn in my head."

Bobby shook his head at the two young people in front of him. He tried to hide his smile at their obviously hereditary awkwardness. It did him some good to see a genuine smile on the boy's face. He made a quick look around, trying to see who was watching them. He could feel the eyes of a nasty on the back of his head and he didn't like it.

The boy waved at her as she walked away, going over to Bobby. "Hey Bobby, I was wondering if you could take me to a store?"

"What do you need to go shopping fer? Don't they have everything at the house that you need?"

"Hehe, a um," he covered his mouth and coughed the word 'costume' then in a clear voice he said, "store." He then looked to Bobby, expecting an answer. While Bobby just stared.

"Boy if yer gonna ask for something ask for it." Bobby folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at the boy. He had heard him, but it never hurt to install confidence. "Well? Did you want something or are we heading back to base?"

Stiles breathed out, "I want to go to the costume store, they all have costumes and I want one and I'm embarrassed about it. Happy?"

"Very." He smacked the boy's shoulder and nodded to the store across the road, "Let's head on over there son." They made their way to the store and Bobby again made a quick look, trying to find the monster, but he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. He shook his head and focused on the young man again. It was fun watching him get all excited about Halloween.

Stiles looked around for something he could send a picture of to his friends. Hopefully to make it so that if and when he went back they wouldn't immediately kill him. And maybe they would laugh a little.

Looking around he found an older costume, from an old movie called Teenwolf, looking at the costume he thought it looked ridiculous. Yup, this was definitely humiliating enough. Seriously, who thought basketballs and werewolves went together?

"A werewolf? Ain't that a little bit on the head, son?" Bobby raised an eyebrow at the costume choice with a half grin.

"Sadly that's kinda the point. Me embarrassing myself, and making a stupid somewhat ironic joke so if I ever see my friends again they don't kill me... you know, normal everyday stuff."

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