chapter 2

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Harry stays still and stares at the mirror with nothing show on his face when the maid adjusts his suit for dinner. "Sir, are you alright?" Asks the maid. Harry looks at her. "I am fine thank you." Says the Omega. She sighs. "I know a look when a Omega is in misery and being abused. Talk to someone." Says the maid then stays silent when Harry's father, Jack comes in. Harry smiles at the maid and she nods. Jack smiles. "It's time for dinner Harry." Jack says. "Father you think this Alpha is nice? Are you that blind?" Bucky asks. Jack looks at the maid. "Leave us we need to talk." Jack says and the maid leaves the room and closes the door behind her. "Harry what are you talking about?" Jack asks.

"Alan is abusive he hits me, insults me, and nobody notices the cold look in his eyes." Harry says. Jack frowns. "Just because you don't want to marry him doesn't mean you can spread lies about him." Jack says. Harry stares at him. His own father think he is lying. Harry just shakes his head and storms out of the room. He looks at the maid. "How can I tell anyone when even my own father thinks I'm lying." Harry says coldly and walks off. The maid looks shocked and looks at Jack when he walks out of the room. Together they walk into the main fancy dining room where four men were playing on the violins. Harry looks at all the fancy Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. How can they love this life? To be forced to marry people that you don't love.

Has they ate Harry stares off into space. Alan touches Harry's thigh. Harry jumps slightly and looks at him. "Are you alright Harry?" Alan asks. Bucky stares at him. "I am fine, sorry I kind of zoned out." Harry says. "Well don't do it again." Alan grits out and squeezes Harry's hand tightly making Harry flinch slightly. Harry nods and looks down. He stares at his plate of food that Alan ordered for them and it tasted awful. Harry breathes out and struggles to hold in his tears. "Excuse me for a minute." He says and stands up. The other Alphas stands for him then sits back down when He leaves the room. A sigh of respect. Harry breathes in has he walks out into the cold sea air. He watches the water. Tears slide down his cheeks and he wipes them away and walks towards the end of the ship. He cries harder and then rushes. He needs to be alone and cries has he walks off and wraps his arms around himself when he gets to the end of the ship.

Harry looks out and looks over. Maybe the only way to get out of this life and to get away from Alan is to jump off. Harry's mind taunts. As he sniffles and climbs over. Maybe his mind is right. Clearly no one sees how miserable he is. Maybe then his father will see that he wasn't lying. "Don't do it." Says a voice and Harry looks over. It was Matt, the man that he talked with earlier. "Go away. This is none of your business." Harry says his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence. Matt looks at him. "But I can't, I am involved now. But don't jump, the thing I would most worry about is that water down there and how cold it is." Matt says. But Harry hesitates. "How cold?" Harry asks. "Freezing. I would know when I was a kid, me and my father went ice fishing." Matt says. "You know, ice fishing is when-"

"I know what ice fishing is!" Harry snaps. Matt holds his hands up in surrender. "Sorry. Just seems like you are not the type to be outside a lot." Matt says. "But then I fell through a thin patch of ice and it felt like a thousand knives stabbed into you at once and it hurted. I was so cold that I couldn't move, think, or feel anything but the pain. Lets just say that I got very sick after that." Matt says. Harry sniffles and a tear falls back down his cheek. "Look you won't jump." Matt says. "Don't tell me what I will do and not to do. Your crazy go away!" Harry says and sniffles again. "Pardon me sir but I'm not the one hanging off the end of a ship." Matt says then takes off his jacket and his boots. "What are you doing?" Harry asks. "If you jump, I jump and I really am not looking forward to jumping after you." Matt says and shrugs. Harry stares at him and Matt holds his hand out.

"Please don't jump." Matt says. Harry sighs and slowly grabs Matt's hand. "That's it." Matt says and smiles. Matt could see that Harry had taken his jacket off and He sees it laying in the corner of his eyes. "Come on lets get you back onto deck." Matt says. Harry slowly steps up but then slips and Matt catches Harry's hand in time. Harry shrieks and stares up at Matt. "Don't let go." Harry shouts and squeezes his hand. "I won't. Trust me." Matt says. Harry stares up at him then struggles to get up. Matt uses all of his strength to pull Harry up and over the railing. They both fall onto the deck and Harry stares up at Matt and more tears falls out of Harry's eyes. "Thank you." Harry whispers. Two guards runs and sees that Matt had his jacket and shoes off and that Harry's shirt was ripped. "Stand back and don't move!" Shouts a sailor. Matt sighs and gets back onto his knees.

More people runs over. "Harry!" Exclaims a man and he rushes over to Harry. "Oh son." Say the man. he must be Harry's father. Harry sniffles and clings onto his father. Jack helps Harry up and another sailor puts a blanket around Harry's shoulder. Alan rushes over to the Omega and sees the Alpha being put in handcuffs. Alan storms over to Matt. "How dare you try to put your hands onto my Omega. My fiancé." Alan says coldly. "Alan." Harry says. "And I swear if you try to touch him again I will destroy you." Alan ignores Harry. "Alan it was an accident." Harry says and stands in front of him. "An accident." Alan scoffs. "Yes I was leaning far over to look at the uh, uh, um." Harry says trying to get the word. "The propellers?" Suggests Em. "Yes the propellers when I slipped and if it weren't for Mr. Daddario here, I would have been overboard. " Harry says.

"Well then the man is a hero." Says Mustafa . "Is that true?" Luke asks. Matt stares at Harry. Harry stares back at him. "Uh yeah, that sounds about right." Matt says. "Well then get him out of those cuffs. Alan you should reward him." Says Luke . Alan looks at Luke. "Give him a twenty." Alan says. "Alan is that how you treat a man after he saves the Omega you love?" Harry questions and Jack looks at Alan. Alan reliazes that he was in trouble and walks over to Matt. "Have dinner with us tomorrow evening." Alan says then puts a arm around Harry's shoulders and walks off. Harry turns his head to look back at Matt.

When Alan and Harry walks into the room and Alan closes the door, He slams Harry into the door. Harry looks at Alan scared. "If you dare try that again you will pay. You should have never left dinner." Alan says. "I-"
Alan slaps Harry across his cheek with the back of his hand. Harry yelps and puts his hand over his pained cheek. "Never talk back to me." Alan says and slams Harry into the door again. "Get to bed now." Alan says and Harry rushes to the bedroom. Harry closes the door and walks into the washroom and looks into the mirror. Harry hisses when he puts a cold cloth against the bruised cheek. He sniffles and walks over to the bed and he lays down and brings the covers over his body. He lays there for about a good twenty minutes then tenses when Alan walks into the bedroom. Alan lays down and wraps his arms around Harry's waist. "Soon you will be all mine and I can do whatever I want to you." Alan whispers into his ear and a single tear falls down Harry's cheek. Harry lays there and waits for Alan to fall asleep then whispers into the night.

"Somebody help me please."

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