What's mine is mine.

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"Could you do a one-shot where liam and niall are in a relationship and liam becomes really jealous and protective over niall and he doesn't like when other guys talk to niall or even look at niall."

Thanks to @larry_niam_21 for the plot! :) If anyone else has requests, I will happily write them :)

Liam and Niall had been going out for a little over 6 months now and it was clear the boys were head over heels for each other. They had been friends all their lives not realizing that the love they shared was much stronger than two friends. Although Niall was only a month younger than Liam, Liam had always felt this protective over his baby Niall. Niall didn't argue though, he liked being babied by his boyfriend as it meant he got spoiled with anything Niall wanted which wasn't much considering Liam was the only thing Niall really needed. It wasn't until Niall tried to make new guy friends that Niall seen a side of Liam he wish had never came out.

Niall didn't have much friends at school, in fact it was only him, Liam and their friend Zayn who he really only talked too. Niall didn't know whether it was the fact he was gay or the fact if any guy even dared to glance in Niall's direction, his boyfriend would quickly step in and 'solve' the problem. Of course, Niall would always stop him from hurting anybody and would always walk away with a face resembling a tomato, apologizing repeatedly to whatever guy Liam had tried to beat the shit out of. Niall found it cute that his boyfriend was protective but was he a bit too overprotective? Niall couldn't even walk down the streets anymore without having to pull Liam off a lad who looked at Niall.

Just yesterday, Niall had tried talking to a guy in the class named Louis, the joker of the class and who seemed to be a really nice guy. He got paired up with him in Biology and tried his hardest to not notice his boyfriend staring holes into the back of him and Louis. Niall felt suffocated almost with how Liam acted with him. It wasn't as if Niall would ever cheat on him, he loved his boyfriend to death. Niall let out a sigh as he quickly got off his stool to help Louis as his boyfriend squeezed harder on his throat. "For fuck sake Liam, get off the poor guy! He didn't even do anything, we were just talking" Niall shouted at Liam and Liam was quick to turn around. Niall usually kept quiet when Liam did embarrassing stuff like this but Niall couldn't take it anymore.

"But he was looking at you like-" Liam tried to defend himself but even he knew he had pushed his boyfriend over the edge this time. "Exactly Liam, he looked at me! It's all he did! It's not as if he tried to put his hand down my trousers or anything, we were just talking and I'd really like to be able to do that without you nearly killing the poor guy! Can I not have a fucking life now or something?" Niall shouted, not caring that he was losing his temper because the way Liam was acting lately was making him lose his sanity! He didn't care about all the peoples stares or the fact the teacher would must likely give him detention for swearing out loud, he didn't give a damn.

Liam didn't know what to say after that. He had never seen his boyfriend get as mad in all his life. "Oh" was all Liam could manage before running out of the room. Niall seen the look in Liam's eyes and knew he was close to tears but he needed to be told. "Go after him Niall please and sort whatever out" Mr Blooms said at the front of the class and Niall nodded, walking out. He looked around the corridors but there was no sign of Liam. He decided to check the bathrooms and there, he found his boyfriend on the floor, curled and tears rolling down his cheeks. "Liam" Niall spoke, feeling his heart break at the sight of Liam. Liam quickly stood up and turned to Niall, sniffing. 

"I'm so sorry Niall, I didn't mean to make you feel trapped in our relationship and that you don't have a life but to be honest, you are my life Niall. And I only protect you because I know your a one of the kind people that are hard to find and I wouldn't live with myself if I lost you to someone else. You're my world Niall and without you, I wouldn't want to be here. I know I'm being an arrogant, selfish boyfriend but I just want everyone around to know that whats mine is mine and I'm not sharing you with anyone else. I love you Niall and I'm sorry I hurt you so much baby. That's the last thing I ever want to do." Liam said, staring into the boy he loved more than anyone eyes.

"It's okay Liam, nobody is going to take me though because I am currently and forever in love with my amazing boyfriend. I love you too Liam" Niall said, smiling and quickly running into Liam's arms were Niall always felt safe. His boyfriend may get jealous and over protective sometimes or well most of the time but he only did it because he loved Niall and how could Niall hate him for that? In fact it made Niall fall more and more for the brown eyed boy he proudly calls his boyfriend.

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