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I opened my eyes slowly expecting somesone's presence beside me but i feel no one. I got up while rubbing my eyes,

"Hyung? Where are you? Are you at washroom?" I shouted a little but there's no response.

I walked downstairs but there's also no one. Did he already left?

What did I do wrong that you leave me like this? Am I really that bad? Why did you make me fall for you then? Oh but it's all my fault that i fall for you when you always told me not to fall in love. Love is restricted in your life, you just want a toy to fulfill your pleasure.

You may be found someone new in your life who will fulfill your desires but what about me? How could i live without you!?

I sit on the couch and tried to control my sobs when someone rings the bell.

Who's it? Is it him?

He came back. I smiled and ran to the door to open it. i opened it fast when my smile dropped

"Namjoon hyung?"

"Jimin, I came to give your luggage and stuffs"

"Hyung! Does he really leave me forever?"

My tears gathered in my eyes,when Namjoon hyung also gives me a sad smile, and patted my head

"Jiminie, he's just too stubborn to realise his love and even if he realised he'll never confess. But he loves you, if he doesn't he'll never let you free from his dark world"

"But why hyung? I don't need to be free, i want to stay in a cage if he's also there. I wanna stay with him no matter how much pain i feel"

"Jimin don't cry ok? Don't cry. Just give him some time.let him realise what is missing in his life"

"But what if he becomes more stubborn and left me forever!"

"I don't know jiminie but please stay strong. You fell in love with a Mafia King you should be strong." He showed his dimple smile and pinched my cheek


"Jiminie, don't cry anymore. Oh here Yoongi gave you this" he gave me a thing when my eyes winded

"Black card? What will i do with this?"

"He said not to overreact, it's for your mom like if you need anything you can use this card. He gave you this"

"I can't take his Black card. I'm not behind his Money. If he can't stay with me i don't need anything"

"Um it's yours."

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"The owner of this card is you"

"Me?how so?why did he do that?"

"He loves you that's why! Um oh no i should go now Jimin, it's late I've to meet someone"

"Meet someone? Who's someone?"


"Let me guess! Is it by any chance my Jin hyung?"

"Yes i mean, i have to talk to him about his cafe."

"I know ,i know" i chuckled at him but my heart is still paining

"Ok bye now jimin, take care"


I don't know why I'm feeling so restless, i walked in our room making mom sit on the bed. Finally she is at home. Finally my mom is here but still my heart is aching badly and i can't show her that. I don't want my mom to think me wrong again

"Mom you rest here I'll make something for you to eat" i smiled.

"When did you learn to cook?"

"I learned cooking cause you were not there beside me to make tasty foods for me" my tears fall down when mom pulled me in her embrace. It's so warm that i can't explain how am I feeling. She's the first person who makes me feel warm and the second person is Yoongi. But how unlucky I'm, when i got my mom back, yoongi left me and when she wasn't there he was with me. Why can't i have them both in my life at a same time? Why?

I cried even more in her embrace when she softly said

"I'm sorry chimchim, I did wrong to you baby but please don't even try to run away from me. You're the only person for whom I'm living. After you dad left us it's only us, it's only you who reminds me of our love. Do you think it's fun for me to see you cry?" She also teared up

"I'm sorry too mom. I promise i won't make you sad anymore, I'll do everything you want, I'll never disappoint you. I promise" I hold her hands and looked in her eyes

"I love you my son"

"I love you too mom.i love you so much"


Some days passed when Jimin acts so wierd cause he is suffering in the darkness, feeling sad. He can't even express it infront of his mom so he is just crying in a corner remembering his yoongi.

He thinks how cruel Yoongi is! He doesn't even contact him just for once. Cursing yoongi thousand times in a day couldn't make jimin happy cause he just want his yoongi back.

Jimin's mom also noticed that jimin is restless this days, looks sad. No matter how much he tried to hide his feelings, but She is A mom, nothing is hidden from her eyes. She felt that her son is hiding something from her.


"Chimchim? Come here?"

"Yes mom"

"why don't you go to your office? You had a job right?"

"I.. I took a leave mom. I'll join later"

She looked at him carefully noticing his expression

"What are you hiding from me jiminie?"

"Hiding? What?! I don't understand mom?"

"I can feel that you're sad and you're hiding something from me"


no mom i can't tell you anything, i can't tell you the truth about yoongi cause you'll again feel disappointed on me. I don't wanna make you feel sad again.

"What is it jimin? What are you hiding from your mom"

"Nothing mom.. it's nothing"

"Look at me. Look at me jimin, look at my eyes" she cupped my face and makes eye contact

"Now tell me what's it? Tell me what is inside your heart?"

I can't tell you mom. I can't hurt you anymore. I just can't hurt you.

For You, I will keep it a secret.

It'll be good if my feelings are hidden like this!!


Author's Note

Sorry for some reason i had to delete Wattpad but don't worry I'm back. I'll keep uploading. Sorry again 🙇🏻‍♀️

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