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Home » Raising Babies in the 70s RB70 » Chapter 151: , parade
Raising Babies in the 70s Chapter 151: , parade
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In August, the admission notices for students taking the college entrance examination this year came one after another. The first one came was the admission notice from Huahua's mother Liu Yue, who was admitted to the Chinese Department of a normal school in the south , although not admitted to the first choice, but Li Qinghua is not happy.

"We finally have a college student!"

"My son is a college student!"

Her husband Liu Kai snorted: "Am I not a college student?"


"Look at them, it's been five or six years since I passed the test. My son passed the test the first time. He must have followed my mother's ingenuity." Li Qinghua boasted. .

Liu Kai: "..."

He thinks that you are clever, but that cleverness is not always on the right track.

In this era, no matter what university you are admitted to, it is a happy thing.

Zhang Chengbei came to celebrate them: "Brother Tiaotiao has been admitted to university?"



Qin Rou, sister-in-law Xiao, and many other family members came to Liu's house to congratulate, and sister-in-law Xiao said, "Your family Liu Yue has changed a lot over the years."

"Isn't that true?" Li Qinghua sighed to himself: "It's said that the eighteen changes of women's colleges, our family's men's colleges have changed eighteen times, my family Liu Yue used to be a little black monkey, now - skin Like a peeled egg."

He used to be a red-faced Guan Gong, but now he has become a white-faced scholar.

Sister-in-law Xiao looked at Liu Yue, this young man was thin and tall like his father, but his facial features were more like Li Qinghua's delicate appearance. At this moment, he has become white and thin, and he has a quiet and restrained temperament.

Li Qinghua said with a smile: "Your children have also changed a lot."

Zhang Chengbei: "...I hope your family won't change when they grow up. It's just right now, lively."

"Skin, she's more skinny than her brother when she was a child. It's still like this when she grows up. Let her husband's family worry about it in the future."

In the past, Li Qinghua and Liu Kai were worried about their daughter. Later, they thought that there are parents like Zhang Chengbei and his wife in this world. They like lively and naughty girls. Li Qinghua is relieved.

Li Qinghua turned her head and said to her son Liu Yue: "Liu Yue, call your Uncle Zhang twice, he will help you take pictures."

"Mom, I don't take pictures!" Liu Yue held the admission notice in his hand, the freshness and enthusiasm had not yet passed, and then looking at the things his mother prepared, he just wanted to run away .

He was surrounded by a lot of uncles and aunts watching the fun.

Zhang Yichao came back from summer vacation and followed behind his father to watch the excitement. He whistled and winked: "Liu Yue, hurry up and take pictures."

"Happy event, great event!"

Li Qinghua took a big red flower and put it on Liu Yue's body, and a horse was rented outside the family courtyard. Launched to parade the streets.

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