Betrayal in the Quarter

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I was accosted in the quarter by the witch Sabine and I decided to kill time by indulging her I was walking with her through the quarter as she talked to me "you and your twin brother are quite the talk of the town waging war against Marcel and his vampire community" I laughed at the thought of Marcel of thinking he stands a chance against me and Jay let alone the rest of my siblings "I heard your brother bit his friend" I smiled at her and "I killed two of his men so I can say I'm doing my fair share of fear spreading" I looked at Sabine and something felt off she didn't look like herself at all as if she wasn't who she says but I shook the thought from my mind what "my people would be slaughtered if you and your twin brother hadn't walked into town the vampires were already scared of the originals.

I decided to keep a very immature thought to myself I told Sabine I'll catch up too her later because I caught Rebekah wondering around the quarter I caught up too her "so what are we doing" I said smiling she smiled and rolled her eyes "I lost Haylee I'm trying to track her down" I looked at her with wide eyes "YOU LOST HER" I looked around Marcels vampires are on the move I told Rebekah to stay close to me as looked around we zoomed through the French quarter until I spotted Haylee surrounded by vampires me and Rebekah made quick work of them "that's no way too treat a lady" Rebekah said dropping a heart to the floor we took Haylee home I looked at her "what in the bloody hell were you thinking" I looked at Rebekah as she screamed and chewed Hailee out I saw Jay at the top of the stairs. I watched as my twin brother stalked down the stairs Rebekah stopped talking as jay finally made his way down the stairs "come here" he beckoned Haylee towards him she approached he examined her body for harm or foul play nothing he told her to sit on the stairs but as she did Klaus stormed in the house with pure rage him and Haylee argued and she snapped and finally told him the real reason she was in the quarter. I watched as he started choking her until Jay slammed him into a wall head first "for gods sake Nik keep your hands off of her she is pregnant" Rebekah Yelled "All this talk about not wanting the child and as soon as she tells you she's ready to get rid of it" Rebekah continued Jay let Klaus go "it's okay to care and want something that makes you happy that's all Elijah ever wanted for you that's all we ever wanted for you" Rebekah pleaded they sat on the stairs. "I daggered Elijah and gave him to Marcel bad enough one original had returned but two it made his men nervous so we made a deal I dagger Elijah in show of good faith I'm not here to rip his empire down but I will retake our home I will get Elijah back if you don't like how I'm doing it there's the door see if I care" Jay looked at me but nodded.

I slept thinking about Klaus words how Haylee almost betrayed us all after all we are protecting her I was looking around thinking of a lot my main plan is to tear Marcels Empire down brick by brick until Elijah is returned to my family.

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I was up early wandering the quarter I fear if I stay in the same house as Klaus I'll kill him my attention was elsewhere I was watching Marcels second in command I watched as he came into contact with a young witch I watched slowly but then I got a call from Rebekah and I ran home I looked around the house Haylee greeted me first she hugged me "thanks for keeping Klaus in check" I embraced her "I told you I intend to keep my brothers promise" she smiled as I said it. Rebekah came downstairs "our bloody sister is on a pure rage mission find her" she told me what's happening about Marie's plan I raced out the house I found her watching the vampires movements she turned around and saw me and smiled "I think I understand why Marcel creates more vampires because we killed a numerous amount of night walkers" she told me I stared at her she was determined to tear Marcel down and I was all for it but now Marcel knows about a wolf being seen in the quarter "we have to be tactical he sent his nightwalkers too kill a wolf the other night" I told her but her eyes were shining with a hint of death. I was keeping her at bay until Rebekah called us we went home and Rebekah told us what she found out I smiled "so should we snap her little neck and then kill him" I said with a lot of excitement Klaus had other plans "on the contrary brother we use Marcels loyal soldier and his girlfriend to get exactly what we need" he said smiling he told us the plan Me and Marie were allowed to strike fear into Marcel by doing what we been doing so we headed to our family compound and did exactly that Marcel and his men were meeting when Marie and I killed two of his soldiers and then we were sitting on the second floor balcony.

I was smiling deviously and Marie wasn't smiling at all "MARCELLUS didn't I say head will roll instantly if you did not return my brother because now I'm not asking I'm demanding even if I got to wipe this French quarter clean of vampires" Marie was truly angry because her eyes changed and her fangs were showing before I could grab her she slaughter a dozen vampires and returned to my side. I looked at Marcel who looked at me for assistance I sighed and snapped Marie's neck so her temper would dial down "Marcel please note that while I don't care for your men at all whatsoever that my sister takes and gets what she wants and kills who she wants I will not protect your men again let this be on the record that I will gladly watch her slaughter every vampire you've created" I told him his composure completely gone Marie woke up and she sent me into a wall but then let go I laughed shook off the dust and rubble off my suit and stood tall "I think we've had enough fun for now let Marcel plan his party" I grabbed Marie's arm and walked out the plan is in motion now Klaus can slip his spies in and we can have some more fun at the party as we watch Marcel slowly crumble at a fake betrayal.

Couple hours went by we were having a dress up party at home as we all prepared for Marcels little black and white event once we were ready Rebekah took off and Marie and I were at the compound within seconds. I walked around and mingled when I stood next to Klaus we were watching a lot unfold especially Rebekah's charade by bringing a woman she said Marcel was fond of. Klaus watched Marcel as he talked to the girl and then stood next to Rebekah "you really are a evil little thing aren't you" he said to her as one of Marcels men walked in and whispered in his ear I smiled let the show begin I thought Marie joined me as we watched Marcel lose his temper with his closest friend. Marie and I smiled as we sipped our champagne and watched Marcel furiously let his 2nd in command have it. I left the party early and walked outside and stood in the shadows Marie joined me we watched the young witch go after Marcel we kept watching until Klaus stepped in snapped her neck but just for dramatic flare I joined him and ripped her heart out just as he snapped her neck. I walked over to Marcel and handed him the heart "now you owe me twice" I whispered.

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