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I'd been working here at SVU for a few weeks now, it was rough at first, it took a while to get the hang of it. But I did.

My Lieutenant, Olivia Benson is amazing at her job. But I do get the sense she doesn't like me very much.

My partners; Fin Tutuola, Sonny Carisi and Amanda Rollins don't seem that keen on me either. They aren't belligerent or intentionally mean, at least I don't think, they're just kind of stand-off-ish.

I'm sitting at my desk right now, filing paperwork. Nothing too special. Olivia walks through the door behind me towards her office.

"Hey Lieu!" I said cheerfully. She didn't say anything back, just walked to her office.

I went back to my work. When she left her office again she didn't come with good news.

"Okay guys, possible rape at McKinley park. Fin, Carisi I want you tracking down the suspect, Peter Harrison. Rollins you and I are talking to the Vic, Reagan, stay here and go over cell phone records." She handed a file over to Fin and Sonny and left with Amanda.

A slight frown painted my features and I sunk back down into my chair. Fin gave me a tight lipped smile before walking out. Carisi stayed behind and wandered slowly over to my desk.

"Hey don't be too hard on yourself, it was the same when I first joined." He gave me a pat on the back as he left.

They aren't mean, they're just stand-off-ish. Carisi isn't that bad though.

I stayed there pretty much all day, going over phone records and doing paperwork. By the time my shift was over, I was more than tired.

Luckily my humble abode isn't that far away.  It's a short walk no more than fifteen minutes better than having to drive two hours.


I held my bag close to my body as I walked. My radio is still clipped to my belt and my badge is in my front pocket.

As I get farther down the street I can hear something coming from the alley ahead of me.
It sounds like whimpering, I walk to the mouth of the alley slowly.

My hand reaches down to my holster as I turn the corner peering inside.

"NYPD put your hands up." I turn into the alley quickly.

I don't see anything immediately as I walk in, but the father in I get the louder the whimpering gets. I see a tarp against the wall I grab it with my free hand all yank it down.

There's a young girl huddled up, holding her knees to her chest. I kneel down and take my hand off my gun.

"Hey sweetie are you doing alright?" I tilt my head to the side.

"He-he I didn't." She burst into tears again and lunged towards me. My head aches I pat her back and sit her back down.

I grab my radio and bring it up to my mouth.

"This is SVU portable, Sasha Reagan, 11-41 we need a buss at the alley on fifth. Possible 43." The line buzzes and cracks as they respond.

"Clear 10-46. Unit on route." She sighed and sat down the girl reached out to her again, and she didn't push her off this time.

When the ambulance arrived I went with the girl to the hospital, her name is Charlene. She didn't want me to leave her and I couldn't say no.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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