Chapter 12

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Rosa's POV
I faded in and out of consciousness for what felt like years. My coherency was pretty much gone except for touch.

Hot or lukewarm hands would burn me like acid and ice cold hands offered no relief either until three sets of icy hands touched me. It was like a switch had been flipped and I was overwhelmed with pleasure. My body sang a silent tune of delight. Whoever was touching me and snuggling with me was the cure to this torment.

I sighed in relief before fully blacking out, just before I fully lost consciousness I peaked my eyes open and saw that I was sandwiched in the king's embrace.

I awoke a few hours later after finally getting a good nights rest after next to no sleep for three weeks. I sighed in contentment and snuggled into my ice hard pillow—- wait a damn minute!

I bolted up to see a shirtless Caius in my bed where my head had been. 'Fuck! He has an eight pack! Look away Rosa! Look away! Don't go into the heavenly sexy light!'

I immediately averted my eyes elsewhere only to find that someone had changed my clothes.

"Umm- what happened to my clothes?!" I demanded "Calm down, amor, Miss Rosalie changed you into something more

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"Umm- what happened to my clothes?!" I demanded "Calm down, amor, Miss Rosalie changed you into something more.....relaxing. I, of course, would've preferred you naked, but everyone else disagreed" I glared down at him. I then noticed that I was straddling him and quickly scampered off and snatched up the black robe and slippers that were on my study chair that was situated next to the end of my bed.

I tried to ignore the sting that came with separating myself from him, but Cauis had other plans. He crawled over and wrapped his arms around me.

I couldn't help but melt into the touch "Mio amor, please, stop fighting this

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I couldn't help but melt into the touch "Mio amor, please, stop fighting this. We need you and you need us. Why do you insist on fighting it when all it does is cause you pain?" He whispers as he plants kisses among my neck.

 Why do you insist on fighting it when all it does is cause you pain?" He whispers as he plants kisses among my neck

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I tilt my head and allow him more access despite my better judgment and flutter my eyes shut "Because.... I don't want to be controlled and made to be some sort of trophy in your conquest" "As if that'll ever be true" another male voice said. My eyes fluttered open to see that Aro and Marcus had entered the room from god knows where.

Marcus vamp sped to me and got on his knees before me and planted kisses along my collarbones as he explained our bond "You, cara mia, are our only equal and our life line. You will never be seen as a prize or a trophy. You are ours and we are yours, forever" "Matehood is all about partnership and being equal. We take turns on who is dominant and who is subservient. None of us would ever do something that would make you uncomfortable or displeased" Aro continued as he put on a pair of gloves.

I quickly remembered his gift and without thinking said "Keep them off" in a commanding tone. Aro looked up at me in surprise, but obeyed. He vamp sped to my right side as Marcus moved to my left. Aro undid the robe that I had previously tied and allowed skin to skin contact as we.....progressed.

~~~timeskip because I'm terrified of writing smut~~~

I awoke after last night's previous 'conversation' with a better attitude and felt refreshed. I got up and noticed that the kings were gone, but they left a note saying that they had gone hunting and would be back soon.

I tried to find normal clothes but realized that Alice and Rosalie had taken everything and replaced it with lingerie and negligees. I sighed in irritation before going to shower and put something on my nude body.

I went downstairs to find my scowling sister and my dad who was making breakfast like I taught him

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I went downstairs to find my scowling sister and my dad who was making breakfast like I taught him. "Could you be any louder? I swear you were like a pornstar!" Bella yelled making dad snap "I told you to go to Jessica's house to give them some space! Maybe you should've listened! It's your own fault, Isabella Marie, I don't want to hear another word from you!"

He handed me a cup of coffee and kissed my temple before eying my hickeys "Though I do wish that they'd be careful with ya....aren't vampires inhumanly strong?" I smirked as I sat down "You should see the others boys. Their marks won't fade for while" my dad snorted but covered it up with a cough as Bella stared at me in disgust.

I looked her dead in the eye and calmly said "I read your diary and know all about your fantasies about Edward. So before you think I'm gross, just remember you 'strawberry jam' chapter with 'chocolate syrup' I said as I slowly dipped my coffee.

Bella's screams echoed across the glide that day.

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